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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Texas Marine vet, middle school principal dead from coronavirus, officials say - Fox News

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The coronavirus has claimed the life of a Marine veteran-turned-middle school principal in Waco, Texas, according to local officials.

“We are so deeply saddened by the loss of Phillip Perry, principal of G.W. Carver Middle School,” the Waco Independent School District announced on Facebook. “Mr. Perry has been a role model to countless students in our district and in his neighborhood.”

(Waco ISD)

(Waco ISD)

Perry, 49, also umpired local youth baseball games and refereed basketball games.

Before he became an educator, he served in the U.S. Marine Corps and then worked for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, according to KWTX.

He was a Waco native who graduated from Waco High School in 1989, the station reported. While there, he played on the basketball team.

He had tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday.

Waco Mayor Kyle Deaver said Perry’s death was the first COVID-19 death in McLennan County. He said the principal had unspecified underlying health conditions.


“This is a tragic development, but not an unforeseen one,” Deaver said in a statement. “I call for all of our community to keep the victim’s family in their prayers and respect their privacy. Also, please continue doing everything possible to prevent further spread of COVID-19.”

Texas had confirmed more than 3,000 coronavirus cases as of Tuesday afternoon and at least 41 deaths.

With the threat of the deadly virus’s spread looming, Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday issued an executive order expanding a previous directive that closed school and urged residents to avoid eating or drinking at bars and restaurants.


“Social distancing is our best tool in the fight against COVID-19, and the actions we have taken thus far have proven to be effective in limiting the spread of this virus,” Abbott said. “I urge my fellow Texans to heed these heightened social distancing directives to protect their health and the health of those around them.”

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April 01, 2020 at 09:07AM

Texas Marine vet, middle school principal dead from coronavirus, officials say - Fox News
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Tren Baru di Tengah Corona, Keliling Jakarta Tanpa Keluar Kabin Mobil - -

JAKARTA, - Sudah dua pekan efektif pemerintah menggulirkan imbauan social distancing atau kampanye work from home (WFH) berlangsung di DKI Jakarta. Kondisi ini membuat sejumlah warga mulai gelisah, bosan, sehingga menciptakan kebiasaan, tren baru di tengah pendemi virus corona atau Covid-19

Tren baru ini, adalah dengan menghabiskan waktu keliling Ibu Kota, baik sendiri atau bersama keluarga naik mobil pribadi. Selama perjalanan, mereka akan bertahan di dalam mobil, tanpa harus keluar kabin.

Jika harus makan juga memanfaatkan layanan drive thruSekarang pertanyaannya, apakah tren baru ini aman dari ancaman penyebaran virus corona?

Baca juga: Cegah Virus Corona, Ini Pentingnya Bawa Helm Sendiri Saat Naik Ojol

Dokter Rumah Sakit Al-Huda, Febrina Sugianto, mengatakan, perilaku ini sebetulnya boleh saja dilakukan selama yang berada di dalam mobil, adalah orang yang berada dalam satu karantina.

“Karantina yang dimaksud disini adalah orang yang tinggal dalam satu rumah,” ujar Febrina saat dihubungi, Selasa (31/03/2020)

Ilustrasi pengemudi mobil menggunakan aplikasi UberReuters/David Gray Ilustrasi pengemudi mobil menggunakan aplikasi Uber

Baca juga: Di Rumah Saja, Cuci Kendaraan Bersama Anak Ternyata Punya Banyak Manfaat

Berbeda ketika berada dalam satu mobil dengan orang yang tidak satu karantina. Menurut Febrina, perilaku ini jadi menyalahi konsep social distancing.

“Karena kita tidak tahu bagaimana kondisi orang tersebut, sehat atau tidak, history perjalananya seperti apa,” kata Febrina.

Jika orang tersebut membawa virus tubuhnya, agak sulit tidak bersentuhan di dalam kabin yang sama pada satu mobil, baik sengaja atau tidak.

Petugas Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok melakukan pengecekan saat tes cepat (rapid test) COVID-19 dengan sistem drive thru kepada pengguna kendaraan di Cimanggis, Depok, Jawa Barat, Minggu (29/3/2020). Tes dengan sistem tersebut dilakukan guna mempercepat proses pemeriksaan dan mempersempit penyebaran penularan COVID-19 di wilayah Depok dan sekitarnya.ANTARA FOTO/MUHAMMAD ADIMAJA Petugas Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok melakukan pengecekan saat tes cepat (rapid test) COVID-19 dengan sistem drive thru kepada pengguna kendaraan di Cimanggis, Depok, Jawa Barat, Minggu (29/3/2020). Tes dengan sistem tersebut dilakukan guna mempercepat proses pemeriksaan dan mempersempit penyebaran penularan COVID-19 di wilayah Depok dan sekitarnya.

Tapi, kata Febrina, ketika berada di mobil pun sebaiknya jangan melakukan transaksi seperti drive thru makanan. Pasalnya, meski relatif lebih aman, tapi perilaku tersebut bisa berisiko menularkan virus covid-19.

Virus corona itu menular melalui droplet, yang bisa menempel di permukaan plastik, besi atau kertas selama 8 jam. Bahkan di suhu rendah itu bisa bertahan selama 24 jam,” ujar Febrina.

Sebaiknya, masyarakat tetap berada di rumah dan tidak melakukan perjalanan ke mana pun guna memutus rantai penyebaran virus corona. 

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April 01, 2020 at 10:06AM

Tren Baru di Tengah Corona, Keliling Jakarta Tanpa Keluar Kabin Mobil - -
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Vanderpump Rules Recap: Middle-Aged Blues - Vulture

Vanderpump Rules

Prank Wars
Season 8 Episode 13
Editor’s Rating 2 stars
Photo: Courtesy of Bravo

We must address when Brett, a Crest White Strip come alive, invites Scheana over to his house to film a YouTube video for his channel. This is not a taping; this is an act of aggression. It’s a hate crime. It’s a nuclear bomb with a one-meter radius, which is a description I usually reserve for what happens after my husband eats prepackaged Indian meals we buy at the supermarket.

First of all, it’s insane that Brett has nearly half a million subscribers on YouTube. What does this dried-up blob of Play-Doh have to say that 500,000 people are interested in it? Well, we see that most of his videos are of him working out shirtless, so this is starting to make a lot more sense. “Most of my subscribers just want me being my authentic self, because I have a lot of women following me,” Brett says. By “authentic self,” he means his “most naked self,” and by “women” following him, he means “homosexuals.”

It’s never clear exactly what he wants Scheana to talk about, but within five seconds of starting to film, he calls the 34-year-old “middle-aged,” which, even for a person who does as much drinking as Scheana, woefully underestimates her life expectancy. Secondly, she says that she is sleeping with “fuckbois,” and Brett says, “If we attract the energy we put out into the world, does that mean you are a fuckgurl?” Oh, Brett. I have never heard ridiculous New Age tenets redeployed as a verbal IED before, but there he goes. Also, there is no such thing as a “fuckgurl.” Women, in our society, aren’t allowed to sleep around willy-nilly and treat men like shit in the way that men can women. That is an equivalency so false it could be one of Scheana’s eyelashes.

Jax, on the other hand, is clearly middle-aged. With his 40th birthday, he is officially older than many Real Housewives and far too old to be a “full-time bartender” at a second-tier WeHo eatery. There’s something about Jax that has been starting to grate on me this season, and I think it’s his complete absence of joy and self-awareness. He throws an ’80s-themed party (Scheana wins for best costume dressed as Jem of Jem and the Holograms if she was leading an aerobics class), but then says it’s only a suggestion, not a theme. He shows up dressed as a hair rocker with a giant mullet wig and a midriff-baring shirt and says, “I would have just worn this anyway.” This is all because he doesn’t want to admit he’s having a theme birthday after Sandoval did it last episode and he complained about having to put some actual effort into doing his job. Hiding oneself in flimsy semantics is the kind of thing that the president of the United States would do, and maybe that is why I find it so distasteful.

He also can’t admit that the prank that Sandoval (and Max, I guess, but I would rather leave him out of this narrative entirely) pulled is pretty funny. When they arrive home to find their trees covered in an entire Costco-size pallet of toilet-paper rolls, Brittany thinks it’s a gas, but Jax is just annoyed. It isn’t just that he got got, it’s that he knows he has to clean it up, too, and he can’t look past that to appreciate the prank.

Jax says he’s going to pay Sandoval back for what he did, but he’s either too lazy, complacent, or self-involved to actually plan anything. Instead, Lala’s boyfriend, Randall, a fleshy lump that I’m actually starting to warm to, orchestrates the whole thing. The after-party for Jax’s birthday is at Sandoval’s house — the emptiness of which Jax has to make fun of at every petty opportunity — and Randall arranges for two actors in LAPD squad cars to show up and arrest Sandoval for vandalism.

They get him in handcuffs and pull him out into the street and plop him in the back of the car. Katie is out in the street practically crying about his arrest. Ariana is in the driveway totally freaking out. Schwartz is in the background grinning that Sandoval finally got what was coming to him for all of his unpaid parking tickets. The whole scene is a mess, then Jax steps in and is like “BOO-YAH! I GOT YOU!” but he didn’t even do anything. Randall, a far better prankster, arranged it and bequeathed it to Jax for his birthday. It’s sort of like saying you can sing like Adele just because someone else paid to have her song played on the jukebox.

I can admit that this is a very good, Punk’d-level prank. It is very funny, and, while embarrassing for Sandoval, it put him in his place. I can also admit that the optics of involving the police and a false arrest might come off as tone deaf; if one of the participants involved was black, this would have been a totally different story, something that could have had deadly implications. However, Katie’s reaction seems outsize to me. I think that Katie is embarrassed that she was the one most affected by a prank that turned out to be totally fake. Also, it’s easy for Katie, from her party of entirely white people in her mostly white suburb of Los Angeles on the cast of a show that is whiter than Vail in January (in so many senses), to be offended on behalf of black people. What I’m saying is that Katie is not wrong, but Katie is also not right. Also, where is Katie’s outrage, in the middle of a national toilet-paper shortage, at Sandoval for wasting all of that precious, precious ass-wiping paper?

It also seems ironic to me that Katie is standing up for decency and understanding while lobbing around cruelty so casually. She threw a wine party–slash–girls’ night at her house for every female cast member of the show but left Kristen out on purpose. She knew Kristen would find out and be hurt. She knew this would happen, and she did it anyway because Kristen said something mean to her at a party. Katie should care less about the social impact of a prank that Russell plays on Sandoval and more about her emotional impact on the people in her immediate orbit if she wants to see some trend toward kindness in the world.

Also, if I were Kristen, I would have barged right into that damn party, gotten right up in Katie’s face, and told her just how mean and awful she’s been for just about her entire tenure on the show. That would have made excellent reality television. That Kristen demurred from this occasion to show up as Scheana’s “plus one” shows why she is not a true practitioner of the reality-television arts and sciences.

Speaking of Katie’s wine party, I am about to admit something that might be very painful. Guys, I might have been wrong about Raquel, the one pack of Minions Valentine’s cards left on a Rite Aid shelf on February 15. She is the kind of girl who will drive you to your AA meeting, run some errands, and pick you up on time. She is the kind of girl who will cover your shift for you at SUR so that you can go to an audition you surely won’t get. She is the kind of girl who will get you a skinny margarita at the bar and not even make you pay her back. Raquel is and forever will be a free yoga mat you get after buying 12 Moon Juices in eight days, but she is also a good person and, well, I think she’s being unfairly beset upon by Lala. At the wine party, Lala decides she needs to make a scene with Raquel because Raquel was talking about how mean Lala was to her at Sandoval’s birthday party when Lala, for no reason, basically called James gay to Raquel’s face. Lala says that Raquel took her “genuine concern and made something dirty out of it.” No, I think Lala feigned genuine concern so that she could hurl some accusations at James.

Going into the party, Lala says that she needs to remind Raquel to stay in her lane and let people like Lala run shit. She does not need to do this. Raquel, for all of her craven, fame-hungry, wanna-stay-on-the-show-by-any-means behavior, does not need to be reminded to sideline herself. If Lala wants to minimize Raquel, all she needs to do is ignore her. Lala has ingratiated her way into the main cast of the show while Raquel, a pair of Jessica Simpson gummi sandals, is still trying to peer her way in. Lala giving this her energy is elevating Raquel in a way that just dismissing it never could.

As Lala points out, Raquel is a yapping Chihuahua and she is a pit bull. Grabbing Raquel by the neck and dragging her all around the dog park does not make her look powerful, it does not make her look like a boss, it makes her look cruel. Yes, she looks cruel wearing an immaculate lace top with delicately layered ruffle sleeves that the bulbous pink extremities on Raquel’s blouse could only hope to be, but she looks cruel nonetheless. “If we can’t agree that she’s a bully, we can all agree that she’s a bitch,” Raquel says of Lala, and I caught myself nodding in agreement and had to question everything that Catholic Jesus ever taught me.

Speaking of cruel, we have to go back to Katie and Tom for a second. When Katie has her crazy reaction to the prank, Schwartz has an equally crazy reaction, yelling at Katie for not thinking it’s funny. “It is funny,” he says to her. “No one gives a shit about your opinion.” He follows that up with, “I’ve never been more turned off in my life. That is why I don’t have sex with her.” Beau, decent lovable Teddy Ruxpin Beau, says he never hears people spew venom like that. I don’t really like it.

Sandoval seemed to be handling things, though. He confronted Schwartz’s ire with love, hugging him, mauling him with his arms, trying to drag him somewhere closer to sanity, wishing he could drag him up the empty stairs of the empty house, drag him into his mostly empty bedroom, drag down his very full underwear, and show him the love and sexual attention that Katie obviously will not. He wanted to breathe his own love into Schwartz, inject it any possible way he could — with his tongue, with his fingers, with his entire being if necessary. He wanted to pound the hatred out of him, over and over, as Schwartz bent over and received his love, sweating on the wrinkled duvet, his moans cascading out of the window and across the valley as the red and blue lights of fake cop cars sputtered on the street below.

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April 01, 2020 at 11:03AM

Vanderpump Rules Recap: Middle-Aged Blues - Vulture
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Kabar Baik di Tengah Wabah Corona: 4 Perusahaan AS Siapkan Vaksin Corona - -

WASHINGTON DC, - Sebanyak 4 perusahaan medis di Amerika Serikat ( AS) akan menyiapkan vaksin virus corona.

AS telah mengumumkan kesepakatan dengan Moderna Inc. serta Johnson & Johnson, sedangkan 2 lainnya sedang dalam pembicaraan, menurut pemberitaan dari Reuters.

Sampai sekarang belum ada vaksin yang disetujui untuk mengobati Covid-19, penyakit yang diakibatkan virus corona.

Diperkirakan vaksin paling cepat bisa diproduksi pada 2021, karena butuh pengujian secara luas sebelum dilepas ke pasaran.

Baca juga: Menurut Bank Dunia, Ini Vaksin Paling Efektif Lawan Virus Corona

Senin (30/3/2020) Johnson & Johnson (J&J) mengumumkan kesepakatan senilai 1 miliar dollar AS (sekitar Rp 16,3 triliun) dengan pemerintah AS, untuk memproduksi lebih dari 1 miliar dosis vaksin corona.

J&J sendiri baru akan menguji vaksinnya pada September ke sejumlah orang.

Kemudian Moderna yang sudah menguji vaksinnya ke manusia pada awal Maret, juga menandatangani kesepakatan dengan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis Lanjutan (BARDA).

BARDA termasuk bagian dari Departemen Kesehatan dan Layanan Kemanusiaan AS.

Baca juga: Racik Vaksin Corona, Johnson & Johnson Mulai Uji Coba pada September

Kesepakatan ini merupakan bagian dari upaya pemerintah Negeri "Uncle Sam" untuk mendorong para peracik vaksin agar bisa memproduksi vaksin dalam jumlah besar, walau belum ada yang terbukti berhasil.

Upaya J&J akan didanai sebagian oleh BARDA sekitar 420 juta dollar AS (sekitar Rp 6,8 triliun).

BARDA mengatakan pada Reuters bahwa mereka juga berencana menyuplai sejumlah dana untuk produksi kandidat vaksin Moderna, tapi tidak disebutkan angkanya.

Baca juga: Kabar Baik di Tengah Wabah Corona: AS Jalin Kerja Sama dengan Johnson & Johnson untuk Vaksin Covid-19

Direktur BARDA Rick Bright dalam sambungan telepon dengan Reuters mengatakan berencana mendukung 5 atau 6 kandidat pembuat vaksin eksperimental.

Dari jumlah tersebut diharapkan ada 2 atau 3 kandidat yang berhasil.

Tanda masuk ke kantor Moderna di Norwood, Massachussets, Amerika Serikat. Moderna telah melakukan uji coba vaksin corona ke manusia pada awal Maret. Foto diambil pada 25 Februari 2020.CJ GUNTHER/EPA-EFE Tanda masuk ke kantor Moderna di Norwood, Massachussets, Amerika Serikat. Moderna telah melakukan uji coba vaksin corona ke manusia pada awal Maret. Foto diambil pada 25 Februari 2020.
Para ahli memperkirakan mungkin butuh 12-18 bulan agar vaksin mendapat persetujuan aman digunakan dan efektif.

Baca juga: Kapan Vaksin Corona atau Covid-19 Siap Diedarkan?

"Pemerintah dan industri bekerja dengan cara yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya."

"Harapannya adalah untuk bekerja secepat mungkin dan memproduksi cukup (vaksin) untuk kita dan seluruh dunia dalam jangka waktu yang sangat singkat," kata Bright.

BARDA juga berencana mengambil alih pembuatan kandidat vaksin Moderna, agar perusahaan itu bisa fokus untuk mengujinya dalam jumlah yang lebih besar.

Baca juga: Berikut 14 Vaksin Virus Corona yang Memasuki Tahap Uji Coba

Selain itu, BARDA juga hendak mempercepat proses pembuatan vaksin, termasuk memastikan vaksin dibuat dan dikemas sesuai standar yang ditetapkan Administrasi Obat-obatan dan Makanan AS (FDA).

300 juta vaksin tidak cukup untuk dunia

Ada lusinan vaksin corona sedang dikembangkan, menurut Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO).

Namun, belum diketahui apakah manusia akan kebal dengan sendirinya terhadap virus corona, atau butuh vaksin sebagai perlindungan.

Baca juga: Mengenal Bio Farma, BUMN Spesialis Vaksin Peninggalan Belanda

Keputusan aman atau tidaknya vaksin biasanya dibuat setelah uji coba keamanan dan uji efikasi awal telah selesai.

J&J mengatakan akan memulai pengujian ke manusia pada September, agar vaksin bisa siap untuk penggunaan darurat pada 2021.

Kepala Staf Ilmiah J&J Dr Paul Stoffels mengatakan pada Reuters bahwa pihaknya harus mulai meningkatkan kapasitas produksi sekarang, bahkan sebelum diketahui kandidat vaksin eksperimentalnya berfungsi.

Baca juga: Segala Hal yang Perlu Diketahui tentang Vaksin Virus Corona

"Itu adalah satu-satunya pilihan bagi kami agar bisa menyelesaikannya tepat waktu," kata Stoffels merujuk pada target awal 2021.

J&J berharap akhir tahun ini sudah memiliki data yang membuktikan kerja vaksinnya.

Perusahaan medis yang berbasis di New Jersey, AS, ini memiliki pabrik di Belanda yang dapat membuat hingga 300 juta dosis vaksin, kata Stoffels.

Baca juga: Vaksin Corona Sedang Diuji Coba di AS, Ini 3 Tahapannya

"Tapi sama sekali tidak akan cukup untuk dunia," ungkapnya.

J&J kini sedang mencari pabrik lain di Eropa dan Asia yang mampu membuat jenis vaksin yang sedang mereka kerjakan.

Stoffels mengatakan vaksin J&J akan didasarkan pada teknologi yang sama dengan yang digunakan untuk membuat vaksin Ebola, yang telah banyak digunakan manusia.

J&J yakin itu akan terbukti aman. Dalam studi laboratorium, vaksin itu telah menghasilkan antobodi penawar yang kuat terhadap virus, jenis yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat vaksin yang sukses.

Baca juga: Sri Mulyani Sebut G20 Alokasikan 4 Miliar Dollar AS untuk Temukan Vaksin Covid-19

Selain investasi di J&J dan Moderna, Bright mengatakan BARDA juga sedang dalam pembicaraan dengan setidaknya 2 produsen vaksin besar lainnya.

Namun, Bright sementara ini enggan mengumumkannya kepada publik. Dia menekankan BARDA hanya akan merangkul perusahaan yang punya rekam jejak bagus.

"Ada banyak risiko yang terlibat dalam pembuatan vaksin baru, banyak risiko terjadi dengan cepat."

"Jika memungkinkan, kita perlu memahami dan mengurangi risiko itu," pungkas Bright.

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March 31, 2020 at 08:12PM

Kabar Baik di Tengah Wabah Corona: 4 Perusahaan AS Siapkan Vaksin Corona - -
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Prakiraan Cuaca Hari Ini 01 April 2020, Sebagian Jawa Tengah Bakal Cerah Berawan - IDN Times Jateng

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) memprakirakan cuaca di wilayah Jawa Tengah berawan sepanjang siang hari. Diperkirakan akan hujan ringan di malam hari. Selain itu, BMKG juga mengeluarkan peringatan dini bagi masyarakat yang beraktifitas di wilayah Jawa Tengah. "Berpotensi Hujan Sedang - lebat  kadang disertai petir dan angin kencang pada siang-sore/awal malam hari di wilayah Pegunungan tengah Jateng.", demikian bunyi keterangan informasi yang dikutip IDN Times dari laman resmi BMKG, Rabu, (01/04/2020)

1. Semarang diprediksi hujan ringan saat sore hari

Prakiraan Cuaca Hari Ini 01 April 2020, Sebagian Jawa Tengah Bakal Cerah BerawanTimmy si Robot

Kondisi cuaca Semarang diperkirakan berawan pada siang hari dan hujan ringan pada malam hari dengan suhu berkisar 25-32 derajat celcius.

2. Jepara diprediksi berawan saat sore hari

Prakiraan Cuaca Hari Ini 01 April 2020, Sebagian Jawa Tengah Bakal Cerah BerawanTimmy si Robot

Lalu, sesuai dengan informasi dari BMKG kondisi cuaca Jepara diperkirakan berawan pada siang hari dan berawan pada malam hari dengan suhu berkisar 25-32 derajat celcius.

3. Banjarnegara diprediksi hujan sedang saat sore hari

Prakiraan Cuaca Hari Ini 01 April 2020, Sebagian Jawa Tengah Bakal Cerah BerawanTimmy si Robot

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Ditambahkan pula, BMKG memprediksi kondisi cuaca Banjarnegara diperkirakan hujan ringan pada siang hari dan hujan sedang pada malam hari dengan suhu berkisar 21-29 derajat celcius.

4. Mungkid diprediksi hujan ringan saat sore hari

Prakiraan Cuaca Hari Ini 01 April 2020, Sebagian Jawa Tengah Bakal Cerah BerawanTimmy si Robot

Di samping itu, menurut laporan BMKG untuk kondisi cuaca Mungkid diperkirakan berawan pada siang hari dan hujan ringan pada malam hari dengan suhu berkisar 23-31 derajat celcius.

5. Brebes berawan siang hari

Prakiraan Cuaca Hari Ini 01 April 2020, Sebagian Jawa Tengah Bakal Cerah BerawanTimmy si Robot

Kemudian, dilaporkan kondisi cuaca Brebes diperkirakan berawan pada siang hari dan hujan ringan pada malam hari dengan suhu berkisar 25-32 derajat celcius.

Kondisi suhu dan kelembaban Jawa Tengah

Sementara untuk suhu di 35 wilayah Jawa Tengah pada hari ini rata-rata berada di angka 24-32 derajat celcius. Lalu, untuk intensitas kelembaban di 35 wilayah Jawa Tengah berada di angka 66-95 persen.

Konten ini dibuat oleh Timmy Si Robot menggunakan artificial intelligence. Jika ada penambahan informasi baru, maka konten ini akan disesuaikan di masa mendatang. Silahkan kontak untuk menyampaikan kritik dan saran Anda.

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April 01, 2020 at 05:06AM

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Republicans Could Kill Obamacare In the Middle of Coronavirus Recovery - Vanity Fair

America’s public health system, already stretched thin by the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, could look even shakier come spring 2021. According to the Daily Beast, 18 Republican attorneys general still plan to participate in a lawsuit that could repeal the Affordable Care Act within a year. Representatives for five of these attorneys general confirmed to the outlet that they remain committed to overturning Obamacare regardless of the pandemic, which continues to spread in the very states they preside over. “It’s always been a question of legality, not health care policy,” a spokesperson for the Tennessee Attorney General argued.

This is not the first GOP attempt to weaken the law, and repealing Obamacare would have an enormous impact on the country’s public health system, pandemic or not. But, as the Daily Beast notes, the timing of the decision—potentially during the recovery stage—gives it “a seismic significance.” At least 20 million Americans covered by Obamacare will lose their coverage if the law is repealed. “The only thing worse than a public health pandemic is a public health pandemic without health care,” Democratic strategist Jesse Ferguson said. Two coronavirus cases mentioned in the article—one of a teenage boy who died after being turned away from a hospital because he didn’t have insurance, another of an uninsured woman who, after going to the hospital for treatment, was billed $35,000—give an early preview to what could become the new normal, depending on which way the Supreme Court rules.

At a Fox News Town Hall earlier this month, Donald Trump explained his administration’s reasoning for following through with the case. “We want to terminate Obamacare because it’s bad,” he said, calling the law “very defective.” When asked by an audience member about the GOP’s failure to come up with an alternative—NBC notes that Trump has not backed a specific plan since he failed to replace the act in 2017—he first praised himself for “[getting] rid of the individual mandate, which was the worst part of Obamacare” and then claimed that “we have many healthcare plans now where it’s 60 percent, even 65 percent less expensive than Obamacare.” While Trump added that “what we’d like to do is totally kill it,” he praised his administration for “managing [the remaining portion] fantastically.” The way to “get you really fantastic healthcare,” he told the audience member, is “to win back the house, keep the Senate, keep the White House.”

To no surprise, the former vice president continues to deride Trump’s pursuit of the case. Yesterday, Joe Biden called the GOP’s continued push “unconscionable” given that “Americans are already afraid of the impact the deadly COVID-19 pandemic is having on their lives—they don't need the added stress of losing their health insurance.” He again urged to “drop the lawsuit,” something he advocated for last week in a letter to Trump and other conservatives. NBC called Biden’s health care plan “Obamacare-plus,” preserving the status quo while helping uninsured people buy coverage by boosting subsidies, and competing with private insurers with an additional “public option.”

Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, wants “Medicare for All,” which would upend the current system and provide the same plan to everyone regardless of their employment status. “It is nearly impossible to believe that anyone can still think it’s acceptable to continue with a health care system that leaves tens of millions of people uninsured,” Sanders said earlier this month while addressing the coronavirus outbreak. “The cruelty and absurdity of that view is more obvious in the midst of this crisis than it has ever been.”

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April 01, 2020 at 01:38AM

Republicans Could Kill Obamacare In the Middle of Coronavirus Recovery - Vanity Fair
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Waco ISD middle school principal dies from COVID-19 - KXXV News Channel 25

WACO, TX — The first reported COVID-19 death in McLennan county was a Waco ISD middle school principal.

Waco Mayor Kyle Deaver announced the county's first coronavirus related death at a city council meeting today.

Waco ISD has confirmed G.W. Carver Middle School principal Phillip Perry has died from COVID-19.

Perry has been the principal of G.W. Carver Middle School since May 2019.

“We are very saddened by this news and want to express our love and let the family know that we will be thinking and praying about them in the days to come. I want our students and families to know that we will be providing counseling support as needed from our staff and our student support team. We will be sending out some information regarding these services as soon as we can,” said Dr. Susan Kincannon, Waco ISD Superintendent.

Perry was a 49- year old male with underlying health conditions, according to the Waco-McLennan Public Health District. The principal died at a local hospital this morning.

He previously served as assistant principal there from 2013 to 2015 and then began work as principal of Fred Edwards Academy in Temple ISD in 2015.

After serving with the Marine Corps, Perry went to work for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. His first job in education was in Aldine ISD as a special education teacher at Caraway Middle School. From there, Perry transferred to Lamar Junior High School with Lamar Consolidated ISD, and in 2011, he moved to Waco to become an assistant principal at Waco High School for two years.

Waco ISD announced on March 30 that the principal had tested positive and was hospitalized.

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April 01, 2020 at 12:59AM

Waco ISD middle school principal dies from COVID-19 - KXXV News Channel 25
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Di Tengah Wabah Corona, Ratusan Ribu WNA Keluar Masuk Bali Selama Maret - -

DENPASAR, - Di tengah wabah virus corona atau Covid-19, masih ada ratusan ribu warga negara asing masuk dan keluar Indonesia melalui Bali.

Humas Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Ham Bali I Putu Surya Dharma mengatakan, ada 169.568 WNA masuk Bali periode 1 hingga 30 Maret 2020.

Sementata itu, WNA yang keluar Bali tercatat sebanyak 251.441. Mereka berasal dari 174 negara di dunia.

Surya menambahkan, mereka yang keluar masuk Bali ini tercatat di Kantor Imigrasi Ngurah Rai Badung, Imigrasi Denpasar, dan Imigrasi Buleleng.

Baca juga: Balita Positif Corona di Temanggung, Sempat Demam Sepulang dari Bali

Untuk WNA yang masuk Bali, tiga besar negaranya yakni dari Australia sebanyak 40.834, Rusia 11.898, dan Inggris 11.522.

Sementara yang keluar Bali, tiga besarnya Australia 62.174, Rusia 18.505, dan Inggris 15.274.

Surya belum menjelaskan berapa jumlah WNA yang masih berada di Bali hingga saat ini.

"Pastinya belum tahu karena mereka datang dan pergi di waktu yang berbeda tiap bulannya. Harus kami rekap ulang," kata dia.

Sementara itu, Presiden Joko Widodo memutuskan untuk menghentikan semua kunjungan dan transit warga negara asing (WNA) ke Indonesia di tengah pandemi Covid-19.

Hal itu disampaikan Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi melalui sambungan konferensi video seusai rapat bersama Presiden, Selasa (31/3/2020).

"Telah diputuskan bahwa semua kunjungan dan transit WNA ke wilayah Indonesia untuk sementara akan dihentikan," ujar Retno.

Baca juga: Tiba di Bali, 316 Pekerja Indonesia dari Italia Tak Dikarantina

Namun, terdapat pengecualian dari kebijakan tersebut.

WNA yang memiliki Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas (Kitas), Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap (Kitap), izin tinggal diplomatik, dan izin tinggal sejenis lainnya tetap diperbolehkan masuk ke Indonesia.

Retno mengatakan, nantinya kebijakan baru ini akan diundangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan HAM (Permenkumham).

"Detail kebijakan ini akan kami sampaikan pada kesempatan yang terpisah dan kebijakan baru ini akan dituangkan di dalam Permenkumham yang baru," lanjut dia.

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March 31, 2020 at 06:55PM

Di Tengah Wabah Corona, Ratusan Ribu WNA Keluar Masuk Bali Selama Maret - -
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COVID-19 deaths in Middle Georgia: 4 -

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March 31, 2020 at 12:14AM

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UPDATE: Tornado Watch issued for Middle Georgia -

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March 30, 2020 at 01:55AM

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Study shows middle-age COVID-19 mortality risk - Yahoo News

Researchers from Britain analysed more than 3,600 confirmed COVID-19 cases as well as data from hundreds of passengers repatriated from the outbreak city of Wuhan (AFP Photo/Hector RETAMAL)

Paris (AFP) - Middle-aged people, and not just the elderly, have a dramatically higher risk of dying or developing serious illness from COVID-19, new research from Britain showed Tuesday.

The findings came in a new comprehensive analysis of virus cases in mainland China.

Researchers from Britain analysed more than 3,600 confirmed COVID-19 cases as well as data from hundreds of passengers repatriated from the outbreak city of Wuhan.

They found that age was a key determining factor in serious infections, with nearly one in five over-80s requiring hospitalisation, compared to around 1 percent among people under 30.

Taking into account estimates of the number of cases that may not have been clinically confirmed -- that is, mild or asymptomatic infections -- the data showed the hospitalisation rate of patients in their fifties was 8.2 percent.

The study, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal, estimated that the mortality rate from confirmed COVID-19 cases in mainland China was 1.38 percent.

If unconfirmed cases were taken into account, the death rate dropped to 0.66 percent.

The authors of the research said that while this was significantly lower than previous estimates, COVID-19 is still several times deadlier than previous pandemic viruses, such as H1N1.

"Our estimates can be applied to any country to inform decisions around the best containment policies for COVID-19," said Azra Ghani, a study co-author from Imperial College London.

"There might be outlying cases that get a lot of media attention, but our analysis very clearly shows that at aged 50 and over, hospitalisation is much more likely than in those under 50, and a greater proportion of cases are likely to be fatal."

Billions of people have been confined to their homes around the world as governments desperately try to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.

As of 1900 GMT Monday the virus had killed 36,374 people out of 757,940 cases globally.

That would mean 4.8 percent of all confirmed COVID-19 infections have proven deadly.

But experts stress that without widespread testing it is impossible to know how many people may have become infected and recovered.

This means the true mortality rate is likely much lower, in line with The Lancet study and previous research from China.

The Lancet study showed that 18.4 percent of patients in their 80s were hospitalised in China.

This compared to 4.3 percent for 40 to 49-year-olds and roughly 1 percent for people in their 20s.

- 'Wrong path' -

According to their modelling, the authors estimate that 50-80 percent of the global population could contract COVID-19 -- but that came with several caveats, as modelling can't account for behavioural changes such as hand washing and social distancing.

Devi Sridhar, professor and chair of Global Public Health, at the University of Edinburgh's Medical School, said that the assumption that most people would become infected was leading governments, including in Britain, to abandon measures that could help slow the pandemic.

She tweeted on Tuesday that the models "resulted in the UK giving up on containment too early & assuming everyone will get it.

"Planning & preparing for unprecedented testing & using big data/apps for tracing were taken off the table. In my view, we went down the wrong path," she said.

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March 31, 2020 at 06:23PM

Study shows middle-age COVID-19 mortality risk - Yahoo News
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Pandemic heading for middle America as deaths rise - CNN

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Pandemic heading for middle America as deaths rise  CNN

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March 31, 2020 at 04:52PM

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Update Corona di Jawa Tengah: Ada 81 Orang Positif -

Update corona di wilayah Jawa Tengah telah dirilis kembali oleh Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah pada Selasa, 31 Maret 2020. Dari data tersebut diketahui bahwa sudah ada 81 orang yang dinyatakan positif corona.

Dari data yang telah diinformasikan oleh situs, ada 71 orang yang sedang menjalani perawatan. Kemudian sudah ada tiga orang pasien yang dinyatakan sembuh dan diperbolehkan pulang. Sementara sudah ada tujuh orang pasien yang meninggal dunia.

Kemudian untuk orang dalam pemantuan (ODP) di Jawa Tengah telah mencapai 8.556 kasus. Lalu untuk pasien dalam pengawasan (PDP) saat ini jumlahnya sudah mencapai 398 orang.

Dari data yang ada, sebanyak 24 orang pasien positif menjalani perawatan di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Sebanyak 11 orang menjalani isolasi mandiri dengan pengawasan di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang.

Kemudian sejumlah pasien menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit di Jawa Tengah, empat pasien di Purbalingga, tiga di RSU Telogorejo Semarang, dua di RSUD Kardinah Tegal, dan sejumlah rumah sakit lain.

Kemudian tujuh pasien meninggal, sebanyak 4 pasien menjalani perawatan di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Solo, dua pasien di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang, dan satu pasien di RSU Telogorejo, Semarang.

Partner Sindikasi Konten: Viva

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March 31, 2020 at 03:34PM

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Di Tengah Corona, Pemudik Masuk Wonogiri Capai 27 Ribu Orang - CNN Indonesia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Jumlah pendatang yang dikabarkan masuk Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah dikabarkan telah mencapai 27 ribu orang, per Selasa (31/3). Angka ini terus meningkat, jika dibandingkan pada sehari sebelumnya yang juga mencapai 25 ribu orang.

Peningkatan pendatang yang teridentifikasi sebagai pemudik itu terus meningkat meski pemerintah berulang kali mengimbau warga untuk tidak pulang kampung, menekan penyebaran virus corona.

"Sudah menyentuh angka 27 ribu. Itu baru pemudik yang menggunakan transportasi bus, belum menggunakan transportasi yang lain," ujar Bupati Wonogiri, Joko Sutopo dalam wawancara bersama CNNIndonesia TV, Selasa (31/3).

Joko mengatakan, sebagai langkah antisipasi, petugas di terminal langsung menjalankan proedur kesehatan, mengecek suhu tubuh para pendatang, khususnya di Terminal Giri Adipura.

"Bila ada yang terlewat, kepada para Ketua RT dan RW di Kabupaten Wonogiri untuk memantau setiap pemudik di wilayahnya," tegas Joko.
[Gambas:Video CNN]
Di Tengah Corona, Pemudik Masuk Wonogiri Capai 27 Ribu OrangFoto: CNN Indonesia/Fajrian

Joko juga mengimbau kepada para pendatang untuk memeriksakan diri bila mengalami gejala klinis awal. Para pendatang diarahkan untuk lebih dulu ke puskesmas atau faskes terdekat.

Sementara itu, laporan pasien positif corona di Wonogiri, per hari ini tercatat ada 17 Pasien Dalam Pemantauan (PDP), satu diantaranya meninggal dunia.

"Satu orang sembuh, 11 dalam pemulihan, 5 dalam penanganan medis di RSUD Kabupaten Wonogiri. Terus ODP 113 orang," kata dia.

Sementara itu seperti diketahui, secara nasional, jumlah pasien positif corona per Senin (30/3) berada di angka 1.414 kasus. Dari jumlah itu, korban meninggal mencapai 122 orang, dengan jumlah yang sembuh 75 orang.

"Penambahan konfirmasi kasus positif mencapai 129 orang. Sehingga, total kasus 1.414," kata Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Covid-19 Achmad Yurianto dalam keterangan persnya, di gedung BNPB, Jakarta, Senin (30/3). (ndn/ain)

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March 31, 2020 at 02:18PM

Di Tengah Corona, Pemudik Masuk Wonogiri Capai 27 Ribu Orang - CNN Indonesia
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Shelburne Middle School Band: "Don't Worry, Be Happy" - WHSV

STAUNTON, Va. (WHSV) -- Band students from Shelburne Middle School in Staunton put together a video, published over the weekend, reminding people "don't worry, be happy."

With the help of band directors Charlie Nesmith and Jon Wilson, 20 7th and 8th grade students took part in the video that was posted on Facebook on Sunday night. The students performed Bobby McFerrin's song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy." The creation of the video was a distance learning project.

"We just wanted to do something to bring everybody together and to do something as a group," Nesmith told WHSV.

As of 9:00 p.m. Monday, the video had received more than 30,000 views and more than 300 shares on Facebook.

"It's been great to see a lot of the teachers reactions of like yeah they really miss the kids but it really brightened their day," Wilson said.

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March 31, 2020 at 01:09PM

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Monday, March 30, 2020

Sambut Ramadan di Tengah Corona, E-Commerce Tawarkan Sejumlah Program -

Pantau Data dan Informasi terbaru Covid-19 di Indonesia pada microsite Katadata ini.

Menyambut momen Ramadan, sejumlah perusahaan e-commerce seperti Tokopedia, Bukalapak, dan Blibli menyiapkan sejumlah strategi.

Head of Corporate Communications Bukalapak Intan Wibisono mengungkapkan, menyambut Ramadan, Bukalapak menyiapkan sejumlah penawaran seperti diskon besar dari official brand, gratis ongkos kirim, memberikan voucher cashback 20% dan membagikan sejumlah produk gratis.

Untuk menjamin keamanan konsumen selama pandemi corona, Bukalapak juga menyiapkan sejumlah strategi. "Salah satunya, kami memastikan mitra logistik kami melakukan pengiriman yang aman tanpa kontak langsung (contactless shopping) secara gratis," ujar Intan, kepada, Jumat (27/3).

Ia menambahkan, Bukalapak juga melakukan kerjasama dengan berbagai mitra bisnis untuk menjaga pasokan produk kebutuhan pokok dan kesehatan selama masa Ramadan, serta memastikan konsumen dapat membeli dengan harga yang wajar.

(Baca: Tiga E-commerce Besar Panen Pengguna dan Transaksi saat Pandemi Corona)

"Kami juga secara tegas melakukan takedown terhadap produk dengan harga tidak wajar ataupun produk kesehatan yang dilarang beredar oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM ), serta melakukan pengusutan pelaku," ujar Intan.

Perusahaan, menurut Intan, juga bakal mengedukasi para mitra penjual di platformnya untuk tetap bisa berjualan online secara aman dan memastikan konsumen mendapatkan informasi yang akurat melalui fitur Pantau Corona di platformnya.

Selain Bukalapak, Blibli juga memiliki sejumlah program selama Ramadan hingga Idul Fitri. Vice President of Public Relations Blibli Yolanda Nainggolan mengatakan, program yang disediakan antara lain, pemberian diskon produk hingga 90% dan program donasi selama Ramadan.

Sama seperti Bukalapak, Blibli juga menerapkan contactless shipping guna mengurangi kontak langsung antara mitra kurir dan pelanggan, demi mencegah penyebaran virus corona.

"Tanda tangan elektronik yang seharusnya dilakukan saat pelanggan menerima paket pun telah diganti dengan pengambilan foto oleh kurir," ujar Yolanda.

Ia melanjutkan, perusahaan juga menjamin kebersihan dan kesehatan kurir dengan mewajibkan penggunaan masker dan sarung tangan saat bertugas.

(Baca: Jadi Mitra Kartu Prakerja, Tokopedia dan Bukapak Siapkan Fitur Khusus)

Sementara, Tokopedia menyambut Ramadan dengan memberikan program bebas ongkos kirim, agar konsumen bisa membeli produk sesuai kebutuhan tanpa harus keluar rumah.

"Kami juga mengimbau konsumen untuk bertransaksi menggunakan uang elektronik untuk mengurangi penggunaan uang tunai demi mencegah perpindahan virus atau bakteri," ujar VP of Corporate Communications Tokopedia Nuraini Razak.

Menyambut Ramadan, menurut Nuraini, Tokopedia telah memastikan kebersihan pengiriman barang oleh sejumlah mitra logistik seperti SiCepat, AnterAja, JNE, Tiki, J&T, Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, Rex dan Wahana.

Nuraini mengatakan, perusahaan juga menghimbau mitra kurirnya untuk menyemprotkan disinfektan ke semua paket dan area sortir. Ia melanjutkan, setiap gerai logistik juga dilengkapi dengan cairan antiseptik.

Selain itu, perusahaan juga menghimbau para mitra kurirnya untuk melakukan pengecekan suhu secara berkala. "Saat mengantar paket, kurir dilengkapi masker dan sarung tangan," ujar Nuraini kepada, Jumat (27/3).

Di tengah pandemi corona ini, Nuraini menyebut, berbelanja lewat portal e-commerce bisa menjadi alternatif untuk mengurangi risiko penyebaran virus di tempat ramai sekaligus mendorong bisnis lokal terus beroperasi secara online.

(Baca: Beberapa E-Commerce Batasi Pembelian Sembako dan Alat Kesehatan)

Reporter: Cindy Mutia Annur

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March 31, 2020 at 07:20AM

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Remote learning to begin Tuesday for Lewiston high and middle school students - Lewiston Sun Journal

LEWISTON — A remote instructional plan, including laptop handouts Tuesday at the high and middle schools, is in place for local students.

Remote learning programs eventually will be available to all students and Wi-Fi hot spots will be set up on buses parked where access is needed, Superintendent Todd Finn said Monday night.

“Our intention is to make sure all of our children have some continuance of learning,” he said during a School Committee meeting held remotely.

This won’t be ideal, he said, but it’s a way to strike a balance between best practices and making do.

Schools statewide will remain closed until at least April 27 as the COVID-19 virus continues to spread. The closure began March 16 and parents have become frustrated with trying to school their children, Finn said.

A remote learning program for elementary school pupils is in the works, Chief Academic Officer Karen Paquette said.

“We are getting licenses secured and training for administrators,” she said, for a program that will “put kids on a path that matches where they are. It’s very user-friendly.”

All students eventually will have access to programs that will let them work at their own pace and choose courses that interest them.

“We are working on making sure we are 100% plugged in, that we have a full tech rollout when it is safe and healthy to do so,” Finn said.

Access to the programs will be on the Lewiston Public Schools website. Look for a big pencil graphic.

The practice work will not be graded and no credits will be earned, Finn said.

The Maine Department of Education has waived the mandate for the minimum number of student instruction days for as long as schools are closed.

The Lewiston district has not distributed worksheets or instructional packets because of the risk of spreading the infection.

Its mission was to first make sure children were safe and healthy and well-fed, Finn said.

He said volunteers distributed 6,000 meals around the city Monday. Equity is an issue in Lewiston, where more than 64% of students are economically disadvantaged.

Finn wants to make remote learning as equitable as possible.

“We are going to go together and not leave anybody behind. That means we will do our very best to navigate through a delicate balance between equity and making the best of a poor situation,” Finn said.

In addition to remote learning, teachers will check in with students twice a week, Paquette said.

That includes special education teachers who will check in with students about how they are meeting the goals of their individual education plans.

“We need to find a balance between checking in with kids and making sure we are meeting their social and emotional needs and being mindful of safety,” Paquette said.

She said service providers such as speech therapists and physical therapists are putting together resources for students.

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March 31, 2020 at 09:24AM

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Data ODP, PDP dan Positif Covid-19 di Jawa Tengah 31 Maret -

Data ODP di Jateng mencapai 8.556, PDP sebanyak 398 dan positif Covid-19 81 orang. - Total kasus virus corona (Covid-19) yang terkonfirmasi positif mencapai 81 berdasarkan data Tanggap Covid-19 Jateng, Selasa (31/3/2020) pukul 08.00 WIB.

Dari 81 kasus itu, sebanyak 7 kasus meninggal dan 3 pasien berhasil sembuh sehingga tersisa 71 orang yang kini sedang dirawat.

Sebaran kasus positf Covid-19 di Jawa Tengah tercatat di Kota Tegal, Banyumas, Purbalingga, Pemalang, Wonosobo, Magelang, Semarang, Kota Semarang, Sukoharjo, Surakarta, Rembang dan Wonogiri.

Sebanyak 71 pasien Covid-19 itu dirawat di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang (24 pasien), RSUD K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Semarang (5 pasien), RSUD Dr. R. Goeteng T Purbalingga (4 pasien), RSUD Banyumas (3 pasien), RSUD Tidar Kota Magelang (3 pasien), RSU Telogorejo Semarang (3 pasien).

Selanjutnya RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Banyumas (2 pasien), RSU dr. Soedjono Magelang (2 pasien), RSUD Kardinah Tegal (2 pasien), RSUD Dr. Moewardi Solo (1 pasien), RS Tugurejo Semarang (1 pasien) dan RSU William Both Semarang (1 pasien).

Di RSUD Setjonegoro Wonosobo (1 pasien), RSUD Kraton Pekalongan (1 pasien), RSUD Dr. Soediran MS Wonogiri (1 pasien), RSUD Cilacap (pasien), RS Hermina Banyumas (1 pasien).

Ada juga 1 pasien isolasi mandiri (RS Tugurejo Semarang), 1 Dinkes Banjarnegara, 1 Isolasi Mandiri (RSU Telogorejo Semarang) dan 11 Isolasi Mandiri (RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang).

Sebelumnya kasus corona di Jawa Tengah tercatat 63 kasus, artinya ada penambahan 18 kasus baru dalam sehari. Sementara untuk Orang Dalam Pemantauan atau ODP di Jateng mencapai 8.556 dan Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) yang dirawat mencapai 398.

ODP merupakan seseorang yang mengalami gejala demam (>38 C) atau riwayat demam tanpa pneumonia yang memiliki riwayat perjalanan ke wilayah yang terjangkit.

PDP adalah pasien pnemonia ringan hingga berat yang mengalami demam (>38 C) atau riwayat demam dan memiliki riwayat kontak dengan hewan penular, riwayat kontak dengan pasien Covid-19, atau riwayat perjalanan ke negara terjangkit dalam 14 hari.

Apa Yang Harus Diketahui Tentang COvid-19?

Corona Virus Disease 2019 atau COVID-19 adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh SARS-CoV-2, salah satu jenis koronavirus. Penderita Covid-19 dapat mengalami demam, batuk kering, dan kesulitan bernafas.

Sebanyak 80 persen kasus Covid-19 bersifat "ringan", sehingga perawatan yang cukup dapat memulihkan mereka segera dalam waktu cepat. Namun, dikarenakan penyebarannya yang cepat, diimbau untuk tetap waspada pada penyebaran Covid-19.

Jika Anda merasakan gejala-gejalanya, maka jangan ragu untuk menghubungi Hotline 024-3580713 atau ke fasilitas kesehatan terdekat.

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March 31, 2020 at 09:50AM

Data ODP, PDP dan Positif Covid-19 di Jawa Tengah 31 Maret -
"tengah" - Google Berita
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