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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Iran Sentences 3 Suspects to Death Over Financial Crimes

Special courts in Iran set up to deal with financial crimes have sentenced three suspects to death over corruption, the official IRNA news agency reported Sunday.

According to the deputy chief of judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejehi, said the three were among 35 suspects recently brought to trial, IRNA reported. Ejehi said the rest were sentenced to prison terms of up to 20 years.

The sentences can be appealed.

The special courts were established recently as part of the government’s campaign against corruption. Since America’s pullout from the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, Iran’s economy has plunged into a downward spiral with the national currency, the rial, hitting record lows.

Meanwhile, trading in foreign currency and gold coins has increased. In July, Iran arrested a man who had two tons of gold coins.

Separately, Sunday, Ejehi was quoted by the semi-official Tasnim news agency as threatening anyone who forces truckers to go on strike or others who in any way disrupt transportation with “harsh punishment.”

Iranian police reportedly detained 40 people in recent months over “interrupting” commercial transportation. Police also escorted some trucks and truck drivers on the road amid fears of attacks by unidentified assailants.

Authorities have warned against strikes by truck drivers. There are nearly 1 million truck drivers in Iran, working both in cargo and passenger transportation in cities and intercity roads.

Over the past months, truckers have occasionally stopped working to protest low wages amid searing costs of vehicle parts.

Also Sunday, 153 lawmakers urged President Hassan Rouhani to proceed with his plan to help meet the needs of truck drivers, including access to new tires and spare parts. In recent months, prices of tires tippled in Iran.

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Syria Rebel Group Refuses to Withdraw from Idlib Front Lines

A Syrian rebel group says it will not withdraw its fighters from a demilitarized zone around the northwestern province of Idlib that was agreed on this month between Russia and Turkey.

Failaq al-Sham, one of the main Turkey-backed factions in northern Syria, said in a statement Sunday that all its heavy weapons are far from the front lines.

The group's statement came hours after the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Failaq al-Sham had begun evacuating some of its positions in Aleppo province bordering Idlib.

The zone will be established by Oct. 15 and be 15-20 kilometers (9-12 miles) deep, with troops from Russia and NATO-member Turkey conducting coordinated patrols.

Idlib is the last major stronghold of the Syrian opposition.

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Trump, Saudi King Discuss Oil Prices in Telephone Call

President Donald Trump has discussed global crude oil prices with Saudi King Salman in a telephone call amid the American leader's call for OPEC to bring down energy prices.

The state-run Saudi Press Agency reported the call late Saturday night, saying "the efforts to maintain supplies to ensure the stability of the oil market and ensure the growth of the global economy" were discussed by the two leaders.

American officials acknowledged the call, but offered no details.

Trump, facing political pressure at home, has been calling on OPEC and American allies like Saudi Arabia to boost their production to lower global crude oil prices.

Benchmark Brent crude now trades above $80 a barrel. Analysts say prices likely will go higher as American sanctions on Iran resume in November.

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Iraq's Kurds Hold Elections for Regional Parliament

Iraq's self-ruled Kurdish region was holding long-delayed parliamentary elections on Sunday, a year after a vote for independence sparked a punishing backlash from Baghdad, leaving Kurdish leaders deeply divided.

More than 700 candidates are vying for 111 seats in the elections, in which nearly 3.5 million Kurds are eligible to vote. Eleven seats are reserved for religious and ethnic minorities: five for Christians, five for Turkmen candidates and one for the Armenian community. Polls close at 6 p.m. (1500 GMT), and it is not clear when the results will be announced.

The last parliamentary elections were in 2013, but the assembly stopped meeting in 2015 amid internal political tensions and the war against the Islamic State group. The political deadlock also delayed new elections, which were originally planned for last November.

Kurdish politics have long been dominated by Masoud Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party and the rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which is riven by infighting. Those two factions are expected to win the lion's share of the vote.

By noon, turnout was low, with many blaming the regional election commission's new requirement that voters show two forms of ID. Bashdar Ali, an observer from the Shams Network for Election Observation in Iraq, said the commission issued the guidelines late Saturday night.

Iraq's Kurds established a regional government in 1992 after the U.S. enforced a no-fly zone across the north following the Gulf War. After the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein, the Kurds secured constitutional recognition of their autonomy and gained more power.

Since then, they have been at loggerheads with Baghdad over rights to develop and to export oil and gas as well as the so-called disputed territories — lands stretching from the Syrian border to Iran that the Kurds claim as part of their autonomous region, including the northern city of Kirkuk, a major oil hub.

The Kurds took control of Kirkuk and other disputed territories in the summer of 2014 as the Islamic State group rampaged across northern and central Iraq. But after last September's referendum, in which more than 90 percent voted for independence, federal forces retook Kirkuk and other areas with only scattered fighting. The loss of the disputed territories was a major blow for Barzani, who had championed the referendum.

The Iraqi government rejected the referendum, as did Iraq's neighbors and the international community, including the United States. The Baghdad government, as well as neighboring Turkey and Iran, shut down the Kurdish region's airports and border crossings in response to the referendum. They were reopened after a federal court dismissed the referendum.

The fallout from the referendum has left Kurdish leaders bitterly divided, and has exacerbated a long-running financial crisis in the region, fueling widespread anger at the main Kurdish political parties.

"What I am hoping for is to have a better life," Ismail Mohammed said after voting. "I am a retired man but I am asking that they fix the salaries for everybody, not only me — for all the government employees and the poor people."

Ali Arab Sultan, a teacher, said voting is a "national and religious duty, so that we may have a better future."

"Let's hope that God will change the current situation into a better one," he said.

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Monitors: First Rebel Group Leaving Syria DMZ

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Sunday that rebel group Failaq al-Sham has started withdrawing its forces and heavy arms from a demilitarized zone in northwest Syria.

The group is the first to comply with a requirement to leave a demilitarized buffer zone set up by Turkey and Russia to avert a Russian-backed Syrian army offensive, Rami Abdulrahman, head of the UK-based war monitor told Reuters.

Rebel sources could not immediately be reached for comment.

“The group is withdrawing its forces and heavy arms in small batches from southern Aleppo countryside, adjacent to Idlib province, which is part of the DMZ towards the west,” Abdulrahman said.

The demilitarized zone will be 15 to 20 km (10 to 12 miles) deep, run along the contact line between rebel and government fighters, and will be patrolled by Turkish and Russian forces.

Turkey and Russia had agreed in mid-September to enforce a new demilitarized zone in Idlib province from which rebels will be required to withdraw by the middle of next month.

Failaq al-Sham is the third largest group among the rebel groups in northwest Syria, according to the monitor.

The biggest jihadist group, Tahrir al-Sham, has yet to announce its position regarding the agreement.

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Video Purports to Show US-Iranian Naval Encounter in March

Iran's state TV has broadcast footage purporting to show a close encounter between the Revolutionary Guard's navy and the USS Theodore Roosevelt early this year.

Press TV's website says the encounter occurred March 21 in the strategic Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, the passageway for nearly a third of all oil traded by sea. The TV agency says the video was aired Saturday as part of a documentary.

The footage is likely meant as a show of strength amid new U.S. sanctions on Iran and the Trump administration plans to bring Iranian oil exports down to zero.

In the video, Revolutionary Guard speedboats are seen closing in on the U.S. carrier.

Iranian sailors then warn the Americans over radio communication to "keep well clear'' of the Guard patrol boats and say they advise the Americans to "refrain from the threat or use of force in any manner.''

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US Warns Iran, Orders Temporary Move of Diplomatic Personnel in Iraq

Syria Reopens Border Crossing with Jordan

A vital border crossing between Syria and Jordan reopened Saturday for the first time in years, Syria’s state-run news agency reported, adding that the flow of trucks and transit across the border has begun.

The reopening of the Naseeb border crossing would bring major relief to President Bashar Assad’s government by restoring a much needed gateway for Syrian exports to Arab countries.

Rebels seized control of the crossing in 2015, severing a lifeline and disrupting a major trade route between Syria and Jordan, Lebanon and the oil-rich Gulf countries.

Syrian troops captured it in July this year after rebels reached an agreement with Russian mediators to end the violence in the southern province of Daraa and surrender the crossing. The fall of Daraa and recapture of Naseeb marked another victory for Assad’s forces and signaled the return of his forces to the province where the uprising against him began seven years ago, following successive military victories across most of the country with the help of powerful allies Russia and Iran.

The Naseeb crossing is of particular importance as it constitutes an economic artery for the neighboring countries. It is the only outlet that links them with foreign markets for their agricultural products.

The Hala Akhbar news website, linked to Jordan’s military, said preparations to reopen the crossing border with Syria were not finished yet.

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Friday, September 28, 2018

US Pulls Diplomats From Iraqi City, Citing Threats From Iran

Russia Begins Missile System Delivery to Syria, Warns West on Peace Talks

Palestinians Say 7 Killed as Israeli Troops Fire on Gaza Protest

Israeli soldiers shot dead seven Palestinians, including two boys, who were among thousands of people who thronged to the fortified Gaza Strip border on Friday as part of weekly protests launched half a year ago, Gaza health
officials said.

Israel's military said its troops resorted to live fire, and an airstrike, after explosive devices and rocks were thrown at them and to prevent breaches of the border fence from the Islamist Hamas-controlled enclave.

Gaza health officials said 505 people had been wounded, 89 of them by gunshots. They identified the dead as males, two of them aged 12 and 14.

The boys' families could not immediately be reached for comment.

At least 191 Palestinians have been killed since the Gaza protests began on March 30 to demand the right of return to lands that Palestinian families fled or were driven from upon Israel's founding in 1948, and the easing of an Israeli-Egyptian economic blockade.

Anniversary of revolt

Hamas said Friday's protest also marked the 18th anniversary of the launch of the last Palestinian revolt against Israel.

A Gaza sniper has killed one Israeli soldier, and incendiary devices flown over by Palestinians using kites and helium balloons have set off fires that destroyed tracts of forest and farmland in Israel.

Israel accuses Hamas, against which it has fought three wars in the last decade, of having deliberately provoked violence in the protests, a charge Hamas denies.

More than 2 million people are packed into Gaza, whose economic plight is a focus of so-far fruitless U.S.-led efforts to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, stalled since 2014.

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Journalists Jailed in Record Numbers Worldwide

Qatar: Regional Security Alliance with US at Risk with Gulf Dispute

US Diplomat: Syria Could Face Tough Sanctions If It Blocks Political Process

Palestinians Ask Court to Order US Embassy Out of Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority filed a case Friday with the United Nations' highest court asking its judges to order Washington to remove the recently relocated U.S. embassy from Jerusalem.

The move announced by the Hague-based International Court of Justice comes against a backdrop of deeply strained ties between Washington and the Palestinians, in part because of the Trump administration's decision in December to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and to move the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv in May. The Palestinian Authority broke off contact with the U.S. after the Jerusalem announcement.

The court said that the Palestinians' case asks its judges "to order the United States of America to withdraw the diplomatic mission from the Holy City of Jerusalem."

Cases at the court can take years to complete. Its decisions are final and legally binding, but are not always adhered to. No date was immediately set for hearings.

Trump announced his decision on Jerusalem in December, triggering a joyous reaction from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's nationalist government. The move infuriated the Palestinians, who claim Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem as their capital.

Trump is trying to facilitate the "deal of the century" between the Israelis and Palestinians and bring the two parties back to the negotiating table for the first time since 2014.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas halted ties with the Trump administration and declared it unfit to remain in its role as the sole mediator in peace talks.

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Egypt Governor: Remove Disney Figures From Kindergartens

Egyptian media are reporting that a regional governor has ordered depictions of Disney characters removed from kindergarten classrooms and replaced with images of Egyptian troops killed fighting militants.

The Youm7 news website quotes Alaa Marzouq, governor of Qaliubiya province just north of Cairo, as saying earlier this week that the move is meant to promote “children's patriotism and love for the country.”

Marzouq says: “These characters are U.S.-made. We have many honorable figures. The children will look up to them as role models.”

The move has been widely criticized on social media with users calling for authorities to focus instead on tackling overcrowded classes.

The move comes amid a surge in patriotic zeal since President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi took power in 2014. He is known to frequently repeat his favorite mantra of “Long Live Egypt!”

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Hamas Urges Palestinian President to Lift Gaza 'Sanctions'

Gaza's militant Hamas rulers are calling on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to lift what they describe as his "sanctions" on the coastal territory.

Friday's call followed Abbas' threats to "give up responsibility" for Gaza if Hamas doesn't respond positively to Egyptian efforts to broker a reconciliation between rival Palestinian factions.

Abbas slashed funding to Gaza and cut salaries of Palestinian Authority employees there to pressure Hamas into handing over the territory, making it increasingly difficult for Hamas to govern.

Hamas fears Abbas may reduce funding to health care and other services for Gazans.

Hundreds of Hamas supporters marched in anti-Abbas protests late Thursday, burning his posters after his speech at the United Nations.

Hamas seized Gaza after ousting pro-Abbas forces in 2007; the violent takeover led to an Israeli-Egyptian blockade.

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

World Digests Stormy UN General Assembly, Trump Tough Talk on Iran, China

As global leaders digest the fallout from a stormy United Nations General Assembly in New York this week, China has strongly denied accusations from U.S. President Donald Trump that Beijing is trying to interfere in the U.S. midterm elections in November. Meanwhile, the diplomatic tussle has intensified between the United States and other signatories over the future of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, as the U.S. prepares to hit Tehran with fresh sanctions. Henry Ridgwell reports.

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Families Join to Press Iran to Free Detainees With Ties to the West

UN Palestinian Refugee Agency Narrows Shortfall after US Cuts

Netanyahu: Iran Maintaining Secret Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility    

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran of maintaining a secret nuclear weapons storage facility in Tehran.

"Iran has not abandoned its goal to develop nuclear weapons," Netanyahu told the U.N. General Assembly as he held up maps and photos of a building in Tehran's Turquzabad district.

Netanyahu claimed Iran uses the building to store "massive amounts of equipment and material from Iran's secret weapons program."

Netanyahu said he informed the International Atomic Energy Agency and some intelligence agencies about the facility and demanded that the IAEA immediately inspect it.

Iran did not immediately respond to the accusation, but has denied it has a nuclear weapons development program.

Speaking to reporters at the assembly Wednesday, U.S. President Donald Trump defended his decision to withdraw from the 2015 six-nation agreement for Tehran to give up its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of crippling economic sanctions.

Trump said "Iran has to come back and they have to talk" if it wants to avoid a new round of economic sanctions.

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Iraqi Kurds to Elect New Parliament Sunday

Iraqi Kurds will head to the polls this Sunday to elect a new parliament for the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region of Iraq, a year after a controversial independence referendum led to an armed crackdown from the Iraqi government.

The region’s politics have been dominated by a coalition between the pro-independence Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the left-leaning Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) for almost three decades.

A range of smaller parties have representation, but not enough to shift the balance of power.

Many observers expect turnout for this election to be lower than during the previous one, citing Kurd’s disenfranchisement with the political process over perceived corruption and voter fraud, and a lack of change in the region’s status. Others see the election as a chance to improve public perception of the region’s chaotic political system.

“I think at the end of the day it will be beneficial,” said Yousif Ismail of the Washington Kurdish Institute. “It gives more legitimacy to the Kurdistan region politics.”

“This election is not for all of Iraq,” he added, “which gives people more motivation to show up.”

Senior KDP leader Hoshyar Zebari echoed this sentiment, saying the election would be “critical to restoring the legitimacy of our institutions” following accusations of widespread fraud in nationwide parliamentary elections in Iraq in May.

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Palestinian President Urges Trump to Rescind Jerusalem, Aid Decisions

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday called on the United States to reverse its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and cuts in aid to the Palestinians, saying these had undermined the two-state solution to the conflict.

"With all of these decisions, this administration has reneged on all previous U.S. commitments, and has undermined the two-state solution," Abbas said in his address to the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations.

"I renew my call to President Trump to rescind his decisions and decrees regarding Jerusalem, refugees and settlements."

The last Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed in 2014 and there are doubts U.S. President Donald Trump can secure what he has called the "ultimate deal" since he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December and moved the U.S. Embassy there in May.

The Palestinians want to establish a state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Israel captured those territories in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed East Jerusalem in a move not recognized
internationally. Israel regards all of the city as its eternal and indivisible capital.

Trump has equivocated on whether he supports the idea of a two-state solution, with one for the Israelis and one for the Palestinians, a plank of U.S. policy for decades.

On Wednesday, in his administration's clearest support for the idea, he said "I like a two-state solution. That's what I think works best," but later in the day backed off, saying he would also support a one-state solution if both sides wanted it.

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Amid Growing Repression, Turkey's Women Graffiti Artists Shine

Amid Growing Repression, Turkey's Female Graffiti Artists Shine

Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul, is witnessing an explosion of graffiti, many by women artists. Even though Turkey is in the grip of rising authoritarianism, city authorities are not cracking down on the graffiti and in some cases are even actively encouraging the wall art. Dorian Jones has more from Istanbul.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Trump: New Sanctions Will Force Iran Back to Nuclear Talks

Iranian Truckers Launch Another Strike to Protest Rising Costs

Questions Remain About Who Was Behind Attack on Iran Parade

Islamic State Threatens Iran with More Attacks 

An Islamic State spokesman released a statement Wednesday threatening more attacks against Iran, days after the group claimed responsibility for a mass shooting at a military parade that left at least 25 dead.

Iran's security is "flimsier than a spider's web, and with God's help, what comes will be worse and more bitter," Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir said in a statement released through the Telegram messaging app.

The Iranian government has blamed the attack on "jihadist separatists" within the country.

IS released a video shortly after the attack purporting to show the three gunmen who committed the massacre, but some observers said they did not match the appearances of the attackers.

VOA could not verify the authenticity of the video.

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Migrant Killed After Morocco's Navy Fires on Boat

A migrant has been killed after Morocco's navy opened fire on a boat carrying her and more than two dozen others, a human rights group said Wednesday.

The 22-year-victim, who was studying law, died before reaching a hospital, said Mohamed Benaissa, the head of Morocco's Northern Observatory for Human Rights. Three other migrants were wounded in Tuesday's confrontation, he said.

The speedboat was carrying 25 Moroccan nationals and two Spanish captains, Benaissa said by telephone.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry confirmed that two of its nationals had been arrested by Moroccan authorities, one of them with a criminal record. The official declined to elaborate on the criminal record, according to the official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak publicly. Spain's Europa Press, a private news agency, said the Spaniard had been charged twice and detained at least 16 times for violence against women and other unspecified crimes.

Morocco's Interior Ministry said the boat was illegally transporting migrants.

It was the second time in recent days that Morocco's Royal Navy intervened to stop a boat suspected of carrying migrants across the Mediterranean, and comes amid growing concerns about migrant trafficking in the western Mediterranean region. The central Mediterranean route, mainly between Libya and Italy, is being choked off by the Libyan coast guard chasing after smugglers' small boats and returning migrants to Libya.

One of the wounded was shot in the arm as he tried to urge one of the Spanish captains to stop the boat when the navy spotted it, Benaissa said. Doctors at the provincial hospital of the Prefecture of M'diq-Fnideq amputated his arm and he's been transferred to Rabat for intensive care, he said.

Moroccan authorities didn't immediately respond to requests for more details.

In a separate case, police in Tangiers have arrested two people aged 35 and 45, including a Spanish citizen residing illegally in Morocco, who are suspected of running a criminal network facilitating illegal migration.

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Syrian Official says S-300 Defenses Will Give Israel Pause

Trump at UN Endorses Two States for Israel, Palestinians

UN Security Council to Discuss Iran, Weapons of Mass Destruction

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

World Leaders React to Trump’s UNGA Speech

U.S. President Donald Trump’s "America First" foreign policy speech to the 73rd session of the U.N. General Assembly drew mixed reaction from world leaders. VOA’s Elizabeth Cherneff has this report looking at the international community’s response.

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Pompeo Slams EU Plan to Help Companies Skirt US Sanctions on Iran

Nations Rally Around Action to Improve UN Peacekeeping 

UAE Minister: Iran Trying to Drive Wedge Between US, Europeans

A senior United Arab Emirates (UAE) official warned European powers on Tuesday that it was offering Iran a glimmer of hope by trying to keep trade flowing, but that ultimately they would fall behind the United States' tough approach on Tehran.

The UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain swiftly backed U.S. President Donald Trump's decision in May to withdraw from a 2015 international accord with Iran that curbed Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for loosening economic sanctions.

The Sunni Muslim-ruled states are at loggerheads with Shi'ite Iran, fighting a proxy war that has influenced conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash told Reuters at the United Nations General Assembly he was concerned by the public differences between the remaining European signatories to the accord - France, Britain and Germany - and the United States. All of them agree that Iran's long-term nuclear activities should be curbed, its ballistic missile program curbed and its regional influence reigned in.

"The faster we can bridge those opinions the better," Gargash said. "The Iranians are counting on this and perhaps creating a wedge between Washington's approach and the European policy."

U.S. President Donald Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani exchanged taunts at the annual gathering of world leaders on Tuesday with Trump vowing more sanctions against Tehran and Rouhani suggesting his American counterpart suffers from a "weakness of intellect."

The European powers with China and Russia are desperately trying to salvage the nuclear deal and on Monday said they had agreed to set up a special payment mechanism to continue trade with Iran in an effort to skirt U.S. sanctions.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday the European efforts would not change the mind of companies that had already left Iran, but would try to provide some economic benefits to Tehran.

"Unfortunately the current disagreement over approach is not helpful and it is giving Iran a sort of lifeline and hope that it can skirt the various concerns that everyone has about Iran," Gargash said.

He said he believed that Trump's pressure policy that will see tougher sanctions restored on Nov. 5 would yield results and that within a year Iran could be at the negotiating table.

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Germany, Saudi Arabia Agree to Turn Page on Diplomatic Dispute

Germany and Saudi Arabia agreed on Tuesday to enter a new phase in relations after a diplomatic dispute that had soured ties between the two countries.

The spat began in November when Germany's foreign minister at the time, Sigmar Gabriel, condemned "adventurism" in the Middle East, comments that were perceived by some as an attack on increasingly assertive Saudi policies. Arab forces, led Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are fighting Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen's war.

Riyadh dismissed the Gabriel's comments as "shameful" and withdrew its ambassador to Germany. German exports to Saudi Arabia fell 5 percent in the first half of 2018.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been trying to ease tensions, speaking to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman by telephone.

"In recent months, our relations have witnessed a misunderstanding which stand in sharp contrast to our otherwise strong and strategic ties with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and we sincerely regret this," German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said alongside his Saudi counterpart, Adel al-Jubeir, at the United Nations, where leaders are gathered for the annual General Assembly.

"We should have been clearer in our communication and engagement in order to avoid such misunderstandings between Germany and the kingdom," he said.

Jubeir said he welcomed Maas' statement and invited him to the kingdom to intensify their ties.

Earlier this month, Germany approved a delivery of weapons to Saudi Arabia, a government document showed, after saying it would halt arms sales to countries involved in the war in Yemen.

Last month, European and U.S. pharmaceutical associations waded into the diplomatic dispute, warning that restrictions on German-made drugs could hurt Saudi patients and dampen future investment in the kingdom.

"We'll do our best to make this partnership with the Kingdom even stronger than before," Maas said.

The dispute was reminiscent of one that erupted between Canada and Saudi Arabia, which was triggered by a post on twitter by the Canadian foreign minister calling for the release of human rights activists in Saudi Arabia.

The kingdom responded by expelling the Canadian ambassador, recalling its own envoy, freezing new trade and investment, suspending flights and ordering Saudi students to leave Canada.

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Jordan's King Abdullah Calls on UN to Keep Supporting Palestinians

Jordan's King Abdullah II is urging the United Nations to continue helping the Palestinians after the United States cut off aid to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees.

"It would be a terrible mistake to abandon youth to the forces of radicalism and despair," Abdullah told the General Assembly on Tuesday.

"We need to support full funding of UNRWA [The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East] and other vital efforts to protect families, keep communities stable, and prepare young people for productive lives," he said.

President Donald Trump cut off $350 million in U.S. funds for the agency, saying the Palestinians give the United States "no appreciation or respect."

The administration is also troubled that Hamas militants control Gaza.

The U.S. contributed the lion's share of the agency's budget, and cutting off funds has led to a crisis, especially in U.N.-run schools in Gaza.

Abdullah said he will set up a meeting in New York this week with the hopes of securing funds for the Palestinians.

More than 2 million Palestinian refugees live in Jordan.

Abdullah also called a proposal for a one-state solution for the Middle East — one in which the Palestinians would be absorbed into the State of Israel — an "ugly undemocratic reality."

"There is no such thing as a unilateral agreement. It takes at least two parties to make an agreement," he said.

The king said it is up to the rest of the world to work together to help the parties "build a new future."

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Saudis' High-Speed Train Links Islam's Two Holiest Cities

Bahrain Prosecutors Charge 169 Over Alleged Militant Ring

Bahrain charged 169 people on Tuesday with being part of a militant group they referred to as the "Bahraini Hezbollah,'' the latest mass prosecution in the kingdom amid a yearslong crackdown on all dissent.

Prosecutors said in a statement they already had 111 people in custody after a series of raids on the island nation off the coast of Saudi Arabia. Charges against suspects in the case ranged from attempted murder to damaging property, as well as illegally possessing and hiding weapons.

It offered no names for the accused. It wasn't immediately clear whether they had legal counsel.

Prosecutors also accused Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard of providing arms and training for the militants. Iran long has denied supporting militants in Bahrain. Iranian state media did not immediately acknowledge Bahrain's accusation Tuesday.

Bahrain's Interior Ministry separately announced that police had arrested 15 people over "Iran-backed'' vandalism, without elaborating. The case most likely referred to people spray-painting "Down with Hamad'' on roadways recently, referring to Bahrain's King Hamad.

Reforms eased

In the years since its 2011 Arab Spring protests, Bahrain has rolled back some of the reforms it made. It has dismantled opposition political parties, imprisoned activists and forced others into exile. The kingdom also has revoked the citizenship of over 700 people since 2012, including 115 in a mass terrorism trial in May.

Amid the crackdown, local Shiite militant groups have carried out several attacks on security forces. Bahrain is a majority Shiite kingdom ruled by the Sunni Al Khalifa family.

The United States previously pushed back against Bahrain on human rights matters, using its influence as the island's defense guarantor, with over 7,000 U.S. troops attached to a sprawling base in Manama that hosts the Navy's 5th Fleet. Britain also recently opened a naval base there.

President Donald Trump's administration has approved a multibillion-dollar sale of F-16 fighter jets to Bahrain without the human rights conditions imposed by the State Department under President Barack Obama.

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Jordan Pushes New IMF-backed Tax Bill to Parliament

Watchdog Urges Egypt to Reverse Seizure of Newspaper

A press freedoms group has called on Egyptian authorities to reverse their decision to take over a daily newspaper a day after security forces stormed its headquarters.

Reporters Without Borders says Tuesday the decision to take over al-Mesryoon was taken by a government commission charged with confiscating assets held by the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group. It says the state-run daily Akhbar el-Yom has been put in charge of running al-Mesryoon.

Sophie Anmuth, RSF's Middle East director, says Egyptian authorities "have yet again demonstrated an inability to tolerate criticism, no matter how moderate."

RSF ranked Egypt 161st out of 180 countries on its 2017 World Press Freedom Index.

Authorities have blocked hundreds of websites as part of a heavy crackdown on dissent, while vague laws criminalize the spreading of "false news."

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Lebanon's Parliament Approves Arms Trade Treaty

Lebanon's parliament has ratified the international Arms Trade Treaty, angering Hezbollah legislators, some of whom walked out in protest.

The 2014 treaty seeks to regulate international trade in conventional arms and prevent illicit trade. Hezbollah legislator Ali Ammar walked out of the parliament Tuesday, saying it "infringes on the weapons of the resistance."

After Lebanon's 15-year civil war ended in 1990, Hezbollah was allowed to keep its weapons since it was fighting Israeli forces occupying parts of southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah today has a massive arsenal including tens of thousands of rockets and missiles. The group sent thousands of its fighters to Syria to fight along President Bashar Assad's forces.

Prime Minister designate Saad Hariri said after the treaty was approved that it has nothing to do with Hezbollah's weapons.

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Archaeologists Discover 'Massive' Ancient Building in Egypt

Egypt says archaeologists have discovered a “massive” ancient building in the town of Mit Rahina, 20 kilometers, or 12 miles, south of Cairo.

The Antiquities Ministry says Tuesday archaeologists also uncovered an attached building that includes a large Roman bath and a chamber likely for religious rituals.

Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, says the building is likely part of the residential block of the area, which was the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis.

Memphis, founded around 3,100 B.C., was home to Menes, the king who united Upper and Lower Egypt.

Egypt hopes such discoveries will spur tourism, partially driven by antiquities sightseeing, which was hit hard by political turmoil following the 2011 uprising.

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Watchdog Accuses Yemen Rebels of Taking Hostages, Torture

An international watchdog is accusing Yemen's Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, of committing "serious abuses" — including "taking hostages, torture and enforced disappearances" — against people they hold in detention.

Human Rights Watch said Tuesday it documented "16 cases in which Houthi authorities held people unlawfully, in large part to extort money from relatives or to exchange them for people held by opposing forces."

It urges the rebels to "stop taking hostages, free everyone arbitrarily detained, end torture and enforced disappearances, and punish those responsible for abuses."

Sarah Leah Whitson of HRW says some Houthi officials "are exploiting their power to turn a profit through detention, torture, and murder."

Yemen's civil war, which started in March 2015, pits Iran-backed Houthis against a Saudi-led coalition backing the country's internationally recognized government.

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Monday, September 24, 2018

European Union Sets Up Payment System with Iran to Maintain Trade

The five remaining parties to the Iran nuclear deal have agreed to establish a special payment system to allow companies to continue doing business with the regime, bypassing new sanctions imposed by the United States.

Envoys from Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and Iran issued a statement late Monday from the United Nations announcing the creation of a "Special Purpose Vehicle" that will be established in the European Union. The parties said the new mechanism was created to facilitate payments related to Iranian exports, including oil.

Federica Mogherini, EU's foreign policy chief, told reporters after the deal was announced that the SPV gives EU member states "a legal entity to facilitate legitimate financial transactions with Iran...and allow European companies to continue to trade with Iran in accordance to European Union law and could be open to other partners in the world."

Mogherini said the financial agreement is also aimed at preserving the agreement reached in 2015 with Iran to scale back its nuclear program in exchange for relief from strict economic sanctions. The deal was reached under then-President Barack Obama, but Obama's successor, Donald Trump, pulled out of the accord in May of this year, saying it didn't address Tehran's ballistic missile program or its influence in the Middle East.

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Syrian Jihadists to State Position on Idlib Deal ‘in Coming Days'

The main jihadist group in northwest Syria will announce its position on a Turkish-Russian deal over Idlib in the next few days, it said on Monday, with its acceptance or rejection vital to the success of efforts to contain the war.

Tahrir al-Sham's stance will be critical to last week's deal which has, for now, averted a full-scale Syrian government offensive in Idlib, which along with adjacent areas of the northwest is the rebels' last major foothold.

The agreement requires "radical" insurgents including Tahrir al-Sham to withdraw from a demilitarized zone along the frontlines by Oct. 15.

"An official statement will be issued soon," after the group held internal consultation on the deal, said Emad al-Din, media officer for Tahrir al-Sham. He clarified that "soon" meant within a few days.

Tahrir al-Sham was formed in early 2017 as an alliance of jihadist factions including the former al Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front and it has a large armed presence throughout Idlib, including along the Turkish border.

A smaller, harder line jihadist faction in Idlib, Huras al-Din, has rejected the agreement and urged rebels to launch new military operations.

An alliance of Turkey-allied rebel groups, the National Front for Liberation, has declared its "complete cooperation" with the Turkish effort, but has also ruled out disarming or yielding territory.

The demilitarized zone agreed by Turkey and Russia will be 15 to 20 km (10 to 12 miles) deep and run along the contact line between rebel and government fighters. It will be patrolled by Turkish and Russian forces.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that all opposition heavy weapons, mortars, tanks and rocket systems are to be removed from the zone by Oct. 10.

Close to three million people live in Idlib, around half of them Syrians displaced by the war from other parts of Syria, and the United Nations has warned that an offensive would cause a humanitarian catastrophe.

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UNRWA: Palestinian Schools, Health Centers at Risk if Funding Gap Not Plugged

Iran's Currency Hits Another Record Low, With Six Weeks to US Sanctions

Erdogan US Visit Seen as Opportunity to Reset Ties

Egyptian Court Confirms 20 Death Sentences Over Killing of Policemen

Egypt's highest court upheld the death sentences Monday given to 20 people convicted over a deadly attack on a police station in 2013, judicial sources and the state-run MENA news agency said.

The Court of Cassation, whose rulings are final and cannot be appealed, also confirmed the life sentences handed out to 80 defendants and 15-year prison terms for 34 others.

A police station in the pro-Muslim Brotherhood neighborhood of Kerdasa near Cairo was attacked in August 2013, just hours after security forces killed hundreds of people in a crackdown on a pro-Brotherhood sit-in in the capital.

The sit-in was held to protest the military overthrow of the Brotherhood's Mohamed Mursi from the presidency the previous month. The military was led at the time by General Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, who became president a year later.

Earlier this month, a court sentenced 75 people to death over the 2013 sit-in.

Since 2013, Egyptian criminal courts have issued hundreds of death sentences, although few have been carried out.

On Sunday, a court issued the latest in a number of life sentences against Mohamed Badie, the outlawed Brotherhood's leader, over violent protests in the Minya governorate in August 2013.

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Pompeo to Meet Russia's Lavrov Amid US Concern on Missile Sale to Syria

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Monday he expected to meet with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in New York as Washington expressed concern at Moscow’s plans to supply the S-300 surface-to-air missile system to Syria.

“I’m sure Sergei and I will have our time together,” Pompeo said of plans to meet Lavrov on the sidelines of the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations.

“We are trying to find every place we can where there is common ground, where we can work with the Russians,” adding that there were many areas where Moscow was working against the United States and “we will hold them accountable.”

Russia announced on Monday it will supply a S-300 missile system to Syria in two weeks despite strong Israeli objections, a week after Moscow blamed Israel for indirectly causing the downing of a Russian military plane in Syria.

The White House said it hoped Russia would reconsider the move, which U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton called a “significant escalation” of the seven-year war.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Helsinki, Finland in July and Bolton and his Russian counterpart met in August.

However, U.S.-Russian relations remain at their lowest point in decades, in part over differences in Syria, Ukraine and U.S. allegations Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election.

The United States has already imposed economic sanctions on Moscow over the election. Moscow denies any interference.

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Iran Vows Revenge on Perpetrators of Terrorist Attack, Even as Confusion Mounts

A deadly terrorist attack Saturday on a military parade in Ahvas, Iran, ratcheted up tensions between the country and its Arab neighbors, leading for calls of retribution even as confusion grew over responsibility for the violence.

The attack by four gunmen left 29 people dead and over 60 injured. Among those killed were soldiers, bystanders and children.

Thousands attended a funeral Monday for members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard killed in the assault, leading to chants of “death to Israel,” and “death to America.” Both countries have frequently been accused by the Iranian government of supporting separatists who have carried out violent attacks in the past.

General Hossein Salami of the Revolutionary Guard vowed revenge against the “triangle” of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

“We warn all of those behind the story,” said Salami, “we will take revenge.''

Even as accusations of responsibility flew, confusion mounted. First an Arab Iranian separatist group, Ahvaz National Resistance, claimed responsibility. Then the Islamic State released a video over social media Monday purporting to show the assailants and photos of their corpses.

Some Iranians on social media said the images of the corpses do not match the men in the video. The men in the video also did not mention the Islamic State by name or make a pledge of loyalty, which usual in an IS attack.

The Iranian government said it had already rounded up a number of individuals tied to the attack, while the four gunmen were dead.

The widespread perception in Tehran that the United States has built support for militant separatist organizations along the Iranian border has led to the Iranian government being pressured to increase its support for similar groups in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Some commentators said the attack on Saturday could lead to the Iranian government strengthening the Taliban.

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As Tripoli Violence Rises, France Wants Sanctions on Militias

France said on Monday it wanted the U.N. Security Council to implement sanctions on militias involved in month-long clashes between rival factions in Libya's capital Tripoli, which has undermined U.N. efforts to hold elections by year-end.

At least 115 people have been killed and 383 injured in fighting that has pitted the Seventh Brigade, or Kaniyat, from Tarhouna, a town 65 km (45 miles) southeast of Tripoli, against the Tripoli Revolutionaries' Brigades (TRB) and the Nawasi, two of the capital's largest armed groups.

Tripoli and western Libya are run by a U.N.-backed government mainly supported by armed groups, while Eastern Libya is controlled by a rival administration. The country has been riven since Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in 2011.

"In the face of the worsening security situation in Tripoli, there is a responsibility to support the Libyans and that means we must be tougher on those that want to keep the status quo for their benefits," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves le Drian told reporters ahead of a meeting hosted by France on Libya on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.

He said recent sanctions taken at the U.N. against people traffickers in Libya should be extended in particular to the Tripoli militias.

The U.N. Security Council Libya sanctions committee blacklisted militia leader Ibrahim Jathran earlier in September, subjecting him to a global asset freeze and travel ban, after he oversaw an attack on oil facilities.

Some diplomats and analysts have said sanctions on individuals would have limited impact given those people rarely leave Libya.

Former colonial power Italy and France have been competing for influence in war-torn Libya, rich in oil and gas and a staging post for people smugglers who have launched tens of thousands of migrants across the Mediterranean sea towards Europe.

Paris has been pushing for an election to be held in Libya by the end of the year. The increasing violence has made the French initiative increasingly untenable. The idea was backed by four Libyan leaders in May and endorsed by the United Nations.

French diplomats acknowledged that the time frame was becoming more difficult to keep, but hoped to give the process new momentum this week.

Two European diplomats said they believed Paris was slowly coming into line with Italy.

"France is pretty isolated on the elections and it's not just Franco-Italian but international community in general," said one of the diplomats.

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Russia to Supply New S-300 Missile Defense System to Syria

Pompeo and Haley: Trump Willing to Meet with Iranian Leaders at UNGA

As world leaders converge on the United Nations General Assembly in New York, top U.S. officials say President Donald Trump would be open to meeting there this week with Iranian leaders -- if Iran is willing to change its behavior and engage in constructive dialogue. The remarks come as Iran blamed the U.S. and its allies for an attack on an Iranian military parade Saturday that left at least 25 people dead. VOA's Diplomatic Correspondent Cindy Saine reports from Washington.

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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Poll: Optimism About the Future Greater in Youths from Lower-Income Countries

International Organizations Join Tech Powerhouses to Fight Famine

The United Nations, the World Bank and the International Committee of the Red Cross are partnering with technology powerhouses to launch a global initiative aimed at preventing famines.

"The fact that millions of people -- many of them children -- still suffer from severe malnutrition and famine in the 21st century is a global tragedy," World Bank President Jim Young Kim said announcing the initiative.

The global organization will work with Microsoft, Google and Amazon Web Services to develop the Famine Action Mechanism (FAM), a system capable of identifying food crisis area that are most likely to turn into a full-blown famine.

"If we can better predict when and where future famines will occur, we can save lives by responding earlier and more effectively," Microsoft President Brad Smith said in a statement.

The tech giants will help develop a set of analytical models that will use the latest technoligies like Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to not only provide early warnings but also trigger pre-arranged financing for crisis management.

"Artificial intelligence and machine learning hold huge promise for forecasting and detecting early signs of food shortages, like crop failures, droughts, natural disasters and conflicts," Smith said.

According to the U.N. and World Bank, there are 124 million people experiencing crisis-level food insecurity in the world today.

FAM will be at first rolled out in five countries that "exhibit some of the most critical and ongoing food security needs," according to the World Bank, which didn't identify the nations. It will ultimately be expanded to cover the world.

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Iran’s President Blames US After Attack on Military Parade

Iran’s president on Sunday accused an unnamed U.S.-allied country in the Persian Gulf of being behind a terror attack on a military parade that killed 25 people and wounded 60, further raising regional tensions.

Hassan Rouhani’s comments came as Iran’s Foreign Ministry also summoned Western diplomats over them allegedly providing havens for the Arab separatists who claimed Saturday’s attacks in the southwestern city of Ahvaz.

The Iranian moves, as well as promises of revenge by Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard, come as the country already faces turmoil in the wake of the American withdraw from Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers. The attack in Ahvaz, which saw women and children flee with uniformed soldiers bloodied, has further shaken the country.

Rouhani’s remarks could refer to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates or Bahrain — close U.S. military allies that view Iran as a regional menace over its support for militant groups across the Middle East.

“All of those small mercenary countries that we see in this region are backed by America. It is Americans who instigate them and provide them with necessary means to commit these crimes,” Rouhani said before leaving for the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

Iran meanwhile summoned diplomats from Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands early Sunday for allegedly harboring “members of the terrorist group” that launched the attack. Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen condemned the attack and stressed that there would be “consequences” if it turns out that those responsible have connections to Denmark.

The ministry later summoned the UAE’s envoy as well over what it called the “irresponsible and insulting statements” of an Emirati adviser, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency. The UAE did not immediately acknowledge the summons.

Saturday’s attack, in which militants disguised as soldiers opened fire on an annual Iranian military parade in Ahvaz, was the deadliest attack in the country in nearly a decade. Women and children scattered along with once-marching Revolutionary Guard soldiers as heavy gunfire rang out, the chaos captured live on state television.

The region’s Arab separatists, once only known for nighttime attacks on unguarded oil pipelines, claimed responsibility for the assault, and Iranian officials appeared to believe the claim. The separatists accuse Iran’s Persian-dominated government of discriminating against its ethnic Arab minority. Khuzestan province also has seen recent protests over Iran’s nationwide drought, as well as economic protests.

The attack killed at least 25 people and wounded 60, according to the state-run IRNA news agency. It said gunmen wore military uniforms and targeted a riser where military and police commanders were sitting. State TV hours later reported that all four gunmen had been killed.

At least eight of the dead served in the Revolutionary Guard, an elite paramilitary unit that answers only to Iran’s supreme leader, according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency. The Guard responded to the attack on Sunday, warning it would seek “deadly and unforgiving revenge in the near future.”

Tensions have been on the rise in Iran since the Trump administration pulled out of the 2015 nuclear accord with Iran in May and began restoring sanctions that were eased under the deal. It also has steadily ramped up pressure on Iran to try to get it to stop what Washington calls its “malign activities” in the region.

The U.S. government nevertheless strongly condemned Saturday’s attack and expressed its sympathy, saying it “condemns all acts of terrorism and the loss of any innocent lives.”

The Islamic State group also claimed responsibility for the attack in a message on its Amaaq news agency, but provided no evidence it carried out the assault. They also initially wrongly said the Ahvaz attack targeted Rouhani, who was in Tehran. The militants have made a string of false claims in the wake of major defeats in Iraq and Syria.

On Sunday, IS militants posted a video online of three men, two of whom who spoke in Arabic extolling the benefits of martyrdom. A third who spoke in Farsi said they wanted to attack the Guard. The video included no time stamps, nor any specific references to the Ahvaz attack.

The attack dominated Iranian newspaper front pages on Sunday. The hard-line daily Kayhan warned that Iranians would demand Saudi Arabia feel the “hard slap” of the country’s power.

Iran’s government declared Monday as a nationwide public mourning day, state-run IRNA news agency reported Sunday.

Also all governmental organizations, banks, schools and universities in southeastern Khuzestan province will be closed on Monday, semi-official Tasnim news agency reported.

An overnight impromptu candle-light vigil in Ahvaz honored the dead and wounded. Among the dead is 4-year-old Mohammad Taha, who was captured by a photographer being carried away from the attack by a Guardsman in full dress uniform and sash. The photograph, showing the boy bloodied and helpless, shocked Iran.

A doctor interviewed on state television said Mohammad had been up the night before marking Ashoura, a commemoration of the death of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson Hussein, one of Shiite Islam’s most beloved saints. Mourners wear black in honor of his 7th century death in the Battle of Karbala in present-day Iraq.

“He was wearing a black shirt when he was martyred,” a doctor said, standing next to the boy’s tiny corpse, now wrapped in a blue body bag.

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OPEC, Allies End Meeting with No Pledge to Boost Supply

OPEC and allied oil producers including Russia ended their meeting on Sunday with no formal recommendation for any additional supply boost.

Oman's Oil Minister Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Rumhy and Kuwaiti counterpart Bakhit al-Rashidi told reporters that producers had agreed they needed to focus on reaching 100 percent compliance with production cuts agreed at an OPEC meeting in June.

That effectively means compensating for falling Iranian production. Al-Rumhy said the exact mechanism for doing so had not been discussed.

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Russia Blames Israel for Downing of Plane by Syrian forces

The Russian Defense Ministry on Sunday again blamed Israel for the downing of a Russian plane by Syrian government forces and said Israel appeared "ungrateful" for Moscow's efforts to rein in Iran-backed fighters in Syria.

Syrian government forces mistook the Russian Il-20 reconnaissance plane for an Israeli jet and shot it down Monday, killing all 15 people aboard. While the Russian military initially blamed the plane's loss on Israel, President Vladimir Putin later attributed it to "a chain of tragic, fatal circumstances."

The Russian Defense Ministry on Sunday presented its latest findings on the Il-20's downing, laying the blame squarely on Israel.

"We believe that the Israeli Air Force and those who were making decisions about these actions are fully to blame for the tragedy that happened to the Russian Il-20 plane," Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

For several years, Israel and Russia have maintained a special hotline to prevent their air forces from clashing in the skies over Syria. Russia has provided key air support to President Bashar Assad's forces since 2015, while Israel has carried out dozens of strikes against Iran-linked forces. Israeli military officials have previously praised the hotline's effectiveness.

But Konashenkov on Sunday accused Israel of using the hotline to mislead Russia about its plans. He said the Russians were unable to get the Il-20 to a safe place because an Israeli duty officer had misled them, telling them of an Israeli operation in northern Syria while the jets were actually in Latakia, in the country's west.

Konashenkov said an Israeli fighter jet flying over Syria's Mediterranean coast shortly before the downing deliberately used the Russian plane as a shield, reflecting "either lack of professionalism or criminal negligence."

He also complained that the Israelis over the years have waited until the last minute to notify Russia of their operations, endangering Russian aircraft. He described Israel's actions as "a highly ungrateful response to everything that Russia has done for the State of Israel recently."

He referred to efforts by Russia to rein in Iran-backed forces in Syria, including a deal struck in July to keep such fighters 85 kilometers (53 miles) from the Israel-occupied Golan Heights.

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Israel Gives Palestinian Villagers Deadline to Demolish Their Homes

Israel has put the residents of a West Bank village on notice that they must demolish their homes by October 1.

A statement from the Israeli defense ministry Sunday said "...residents of Khan al-Ahmar received a notice today requiring them to demolish all the structures on the site by October 1st, 2018."

It was not immediately clear what would happen if the Palestinians do not dismantle their homes.

Eid Abu Khamis, a village spokesman said, "No one will leave. We will have to be expelled by force."

Israel says the village was built without proper permits, but it is almost impossible for Palestinians to obtain proper building permits.

The Palestinian village is situated near a Israeli settlement, east of Jerusalem.

Critics say the demolition plans are likely being put in motion in favor of settlement expansion.

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court rejected appeals seeking to stop the demolition.

Israel has offered the Palestinians alternative sites for resettlement, but according to the French news agency AFP one site was near a rubbish dump and the other was close to a sewage treatment plant.

Several European countries have called on Israel to halt their demolition plans.

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Iran’s President Blames US After Parade Attack

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Brazil Arrests Lebanese Man Linked to Hezbollah

Brazilian police have arrested a Lebanese man whom the United States suspects is one of the major financial backers of Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group.

Assad Ahmad Barakat was arrested Friday in the Brazilian city of Foz do Iguacu. The town is situated in the so-called Tri-Border Area where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay converge. The area has long been known as a haven for smugglers, traffickers and counterfeiters.

Barakat is wanted in Paraguay on identity theft accusations, and a warrant was issued for his arrest last month. He spent six years in prison in Paraguay for tax evasion, but was released in 2008.

“Members of the Barakat clan made purchases worth $10 million, without declaring their value, at a casino in the Argentine city of Iguazu with the view to laundering the organization’s money,” Brazilian police said.

Argentina has also accused Barakat of money-laundering on behalf of Hezbollah and has frozen Barakat’s funds and other assets, according to officials.

It was not immediately clear whether Barakat will face charges in Brazil or be extradited to Paraguay.

Shimon Samuels, the director of international relations at The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which researches and advocates against anti-Semitism, hate and terrorism, said in a statement that he hoped Barakat’s arrest in the Tri-Border area was “a sign that the three countries will begin to drive Hezbollah out of Latin America.”

The U.S. has described Barakat as “a global terrorist.”

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Iranian News Agency: 8 Dead, 20 Hurt in Military Parade Attack

Friday, September 21, 2018

Iranian Twin Sisters Win Over the US with Their Emotional Art

The most beautiful art is born where there is pain. This idea became the moving force behind the success of Iranian-born twin sisters Bahareh and Farzaneh Safarani. They moved to Boston from Tehran in order to advance their art and show it to the world, and they never regretted the decision. Karina Bafradzhian has the story.

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UN: We Are 'Losing Fight Against Famine' in Yemen 

Dangers, Opportunities for Turkey in Idlib Deal, Analysts Say

North Korea, Iran Likely to Dominate Trump's UNGA Address

Trump Returns to UN a Year after ‘Rocket Man’ Speech

President Donald Trump will join other world leaders Monday at the United Nations for their annual meetings. From wars to climate change, to hunger and disease, there is no shortage of issues on their agenda. But the U.S. president is likely to steal much of the spotlight, as many wait to hear what he has to say about progress on North Korea’s denuclearization and other pressing issues. VOA U.N. correspondent Margaret Besheer takes a look at what to expect.

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Gaza Officials: Palestinian Killed, Dozens Wounded at Border Protest

Gaza's Health Ministry says a Palestinian has been killed and dozens injured by Israeli fire at a border protest.

Israel's military said Palestinians hurled grenades, explosive devices and rocks toward troops and one soldier sustained light injuries from shrapnel. It said aircraft struck several targets in Gaza in response Friday.

Gaza's militant Hamas rulers are working to escalate weekly protests with additional days and locations since Egypt-mediated cease-fire talks stalled this month.

Hamas has been leading protests since March in part to draw attention to a decade-old Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed after it took control of the territory in 2007.

Since then, 135, mainly unarmed, protesters have been killed by Israeli fire, according to Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry and local rights group. An Israeli soldier was killed by a Gaza sniper in that time.

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Tunisia's Weakened PM Unlikely to Push Reform as Polls Loom

Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed has survived attempts by his own party and unions to force him out but, with elections looming, looks less and less able to enact the economic reforms that have so far secured IMF support for an ailing economy.

Last week, the Nidaa Tounes party suspended Chahed after a campaign by the party chairman, who is the son of President Beji Caid Essebsi.

Chahed has gathered enough support in parliament to stave off a possible vote of no confidence by working with the co-ruling Islamist Ennahda party and a number of other lawmakers including 10 Nidaa Tounes rebels. But his political capital is now badly depleted.

By surviving for more than two years, Chahed has become the longest-serving of Tunisia's nine prime ministers since its Arab Spring democratic revolution in 2011.

In that time, he has pushed through austerity measures and structural reforms such as cutting fuel subsidies that have helped to underpin a $2.8 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other financial support.

Western partners see him as the best guarantee of stability in an infant democracy that they are desperate to shore up, not least as a bulwark against Islamist extremism.

Yet the economy, and living standards, continue to suffer: inflation and unemployment are at record levels, and goods such as medicines or even staples such as milk are often in short supply, or simply unaffordable to many.

Clinging on

And in recent months, the 43-year old former agronomist's main focus has been to hold on to his job as his party starts to look to its ratings ahead of presidential and parliamentary polls in a year's time.

The breathing space he has won is at best temporary; while propping him up for now, Ennahda says it will not back him to be prime minister again after the elections.

And, more pressingly, the powerful UGTT labor union on Thursday called a public sector strike for Oct. 24 to protest against Chahed's privatization plans.

This month, the government once more raised petrol and electricity prices to secure the next tranche of loans, worth $250 million, which the IMF is expected to approve next week.

But the IMF also wants it to cut a public wage bill that takes up 15 percent of GDP, one of the world's highest rates.

That may be the kind of task that is beyond Chahed for now, as his party tries to avert the prospect of losing to Ennahda, Tunisia's dominant political force since 2011, in next year's elections.

"Chahed can benefit from the support of Ennahda and dozens of lawmakers to win confidence votes in parliament again -- but I am not sure he can pass painful reforms," said Jamel Arfaoui, a journalist and analyst.

"This means that the path of reforms ... will not be implemented next year."

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Major Powers, Except US, Try to Keep Iran Nuclear Deal Alive

Nations that struck the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, except for the United States, meet on Monday in what many diplomats fear may prove a quixotic effort to keep the agreement alive after U.S. sanctions targeting Iranian oil exports resume in November.

Ministers from Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and Iran will gather in New York at 8 p.m. EDT on Monday (0000 GMT Tuesday) to grapple with U.S. President Donald Trump's May 8 decision to withdraw from the deal and restore the full force of U.S. sanctions on Iran.

Their delicate, and perhaps unrealistic, task is to build a case for Tehran to respect the deal's limits on its nuclear program even though Washington has pulled out, depriving Iran of many of the economic benefits it was promised.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani "needs arguments to defend the deal in the face of the radicals. He needs us to give him ammunition," said a senior European diplomat, referring to Iranian hard-liners who oppose the agreement.

"We are trying to give him ammunition, but what we can do, to be honest, is limited," the diplomat added.

The crux of the deal, negotiated over almost two years by the Obama administration, was that Iran would restrain its nuclear program in return for the relaxation of sanctions that had crippled its economy. Trump considered it flawed because it did not include curbs on ballistic missiles or regional activity.

The United States began reimposing economic sanctions this summer and the most draconian measures, which seek to force Iran's major customers to stop buying its oil, resume Nov. 5.

Their impending return has contributed to a slide in Iran's currency. The rial has lost about two-thirds of its value this year, hitting a record low against the U.S. dollar this month.

The European Union has implemented a law to shield European companies from U.S. sanctions. Still, there are limits to what it can do to counter the oil sanctions, under which Washington can cut off from the U.S. financial system any bank that facilitates an oil transaction with Iran.

'Hurt them more than us'

Many European companies are withdrawing or have withdrawn from Iran because of U.S. sanctions that could cut them off from the American market if they stay.

Iran believes the United States acted in bad faith by withdrawing from the deal even as Tehran has adhered to its terms and has rejected U.S. overtures to meet.

The most recent confidential report by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Vienna-based U.N. watchdog, found Iran had stayed within the main limitations imposed under the deal, whose formal name is the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

In recent weeks, Iranian officials have begun arguing that if the Europeans cannot preserve trade with Iran, perhaps Tehran should reduce, but not eliminate, its compliance with the accord.

On Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif was quoted as telling Germany's Der Spiegel magazine that Iran could "reduce its implementation" and possibly increase uranium enrichment activities if the deal was jeopardized by "the actions of the Americans and the passivity of the Europeans."

European diplomats wish to avoid this. Hoping to keep Iran's nuclear program in check, they have told Tehran that if it stops carrying out the deal to the letter, they will have no choice but to restore their own sanctions.

"They keep telling us the situation is horrible, they are going to leave the accord or just keep partially implementing the deal. It's the same old music, but for now they continue to implement the JCPOA," said a second senior European diplomat.

"We [are] warning them that if they were to pull out it would hurt them more than us," he added.

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Turkey, Russia Agree on Borders of Idlib Demilitarized Zone

Turkey's defense ministry said on Friday the borders of the demilitarized zone to be set up in Syria's Idlib region were agreed in meetings with a Russian committee.

The borders were agreed taking into account the area's geographical structure and residential areas, it said, adding that the meetings were held between Sept. 19-21 at Turkey's defense ministry.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia's Vladimir Putin announced an agreement on Monday under which Russian and Turkish troops will enforce the new demilitarized zone in the Idlib region, from which "radical" rebels will be required to withdraw by the middle of next month.

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Analysts: Poor Economy, Unemployment Lure Tunisians to Extremism

Pakistan: Saudi Arabia to Join China-Funded Development Project

UN Official: Buffer Zone in Syria's Idlib Province Averts War for Now

Making, Drinking Arak a Source of National Pride in Lebanon

Pakistan PM Tells Indian Counterpart He's Ready to Talk

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has written to his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi, seeking to resolve outstanding disputes between the two nuclear-armed nations, including the issue of the divided region of Kashmir, an official said Thursday.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Faisal tweeted that Khan’s letter reciprocated Indian Premier Narendra Modi’s call earlier this month for “meaningful and constructive engagement.”

Khan conceded that relations between Pakistan and India are challenging but said issues must be resolved peacefully.

“We owe it to our people, especially the future generations, to peacefully resolve all outstanding issues including the Jammu and Kashmir dispute,” he wrote.

Khan said Pakistan is ready to discuss the issue of terrorism, a top priority for India. He also asked that the two countries’ foreign ministers meet on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York later this month.

Raveesh Kumar, India’s External Affairs Ministry spokesman, said in his briefing Thursday that Indian and Pakistani diplomats will work out the details of the meeting between foreign ministers.

“I can confirm that at Pakistan’s request we have decided that our foreign ministers will meet in New York on the sidelines of the UNGA,” he said.

The development is an encouraging sign for restarting stalled talks between the two nuclear-armed South Asian neighbors. Pakistan and India have fought two of their three wars since independence in 1947 over the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, divided between the two countries but sought by each in its entirety.

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Hezbollah Defies Israel, Says Has 'Precision Missiles'

Lebanon's Hezbollah said Thursday it had acquired "precision missiles" despite extensive efforts by neighbor and foe Israel to prevent the Shi'ite movement developing this capability.

"It has been done. The resistance now owns precision missiles" as part of its weaponry, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised address during the key Shi'ite commemoration of Ashura.

Israel this month acknowledged carrying out more than 200 strikes over the past 18 months in war-torn Syria, where Hezbollah fights alongside Israel's arch-foe and Shi'ite powerhouse Iran in support of the Damascus regime.

Israel has said it is working to stop both Iran and Hezbollah from acquiring sophisticated arms.

"Attempts in Syria to block the way towards this (missile) capability" have failed, Nasrallah said.

"If Israel imposes a war on Lebanon, it will face a fate that it never would have expected."

Israel has fought several conflicts against Hezbollah, the last in 2006.

The Israeli military believes Hezbollah has between 100,000 and 120,000 short-range missiles and rockets, as well as several hundred longer-range missiles.

Late Monday, an Israeli raid hit Syria's coastal province of Latakia to prevent what the Jewish state said were deliveries of advanced weaponry to Hezbollah.

The same evening Syrian air defenses downed a Russian military plane by mistake, killing all 15 on board.

Russia also backs Syria's government militarily and it was the worst case of friendly fire between the two allies since Moscow intervened in the conflict in 2015.

On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country was "determined to stop Iranian military entrenchment in Syria, and the attempts by Iran, which calls for the destruction of Israel, to transfer to Hezbollah lethal weaponry (to be used) against Israel".

Nasrallah accused the Israelis of trying to kill him "day and night". He has lived in a secret location for decades and rarely appears in public.

The Hezbollah chief also reiterated his support for Iran, after the United States withdrew from a landmark nuclear deal in May.

Washington reimposed sanctions on the Islamic republic last month, and a new round of even harsher sanctions targeting Iran's vital oil sector is set to go into effect in early November.

"It is our duty today to stand by Iran, who in a few weeks' time will face a dangerous deadline -- the start of American sanctions," he said.

Nasrallah accused the United States of "going to all the world's capitals in a bid to besiege" Iran, as Washington seeks support for its measures against the country.

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Iran FM Tweets US Offer to Reach Treaty Only Mocks Call for Peace

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Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Thursday the United States cannot seek to negotiate a new treaty with Tehran while it has violated its treaty obligations by withdrawing from a 2015 nuclear deal. Read More Iran FM Tweets US Offer to Reach Treaty Only Mocks Call for Peace :

Egypt's Ancient Temples Rescued From the Nile 50 Years ago

Shiites Mark Ashoura, Mourn Saint’s Death

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Report: Extreme Poverty Declining Worldwide 

The world is making progress in its efforts to lift people out of extreme poverty, but the global aspiration of eliminating such poverty by 2030 is unattainable, a new report found.

A World Bank report released Wednesday says the number of people living on less than $1.90 per day fell to a record low of 736 million, or 10 percent of the world’s population, in 2015, the latest year for which data is available.

The figure was less than the 11 percent recorded in 2013, showing slow but steady progress.

“Over the last 25 years, more than a billion people have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty, and the global poverty rate is now lower than it has ever been in recorded history. This is one of the greatest human achievements of our time,” World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim said.

“But if we are going to end poverty by 2030, we need much more investment, particularly in building human capital, to help promote the inclusive growth it will take to reach the remaining poor,” he warned. “For their sake, we cannot fail.”

Poverty levels dropped across the world, except in the Middle East and North Africa, where civil wars spiked the extreme poverty rate from 9.5 million people in 2013 to 18.6 million in 2015.

The highest concentration of extreme poverty remained in sub-Saharan Africa, with 41.1 percent, down from 42.5 percent. South Asia showed the greatest progress with poverty levels dropping to 12.4 percent from 16.2 percent two years earlier.

The World Bank’s preliminary forecast is that extreme poverty has declined to 8.6 percent in 2018.

About half the nations now have extreme poverty rates of less than 3 percent, which is the target set for 2030. But the report said that goal is unlikely to be met.

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Russia to Study Israeli Data Related to Downed Plane

Envoy: US Seeking to Negotiate Treaty With Iran

The United States is seeking to negotiate a treaty with Iran that will cover both its ballistic missile and nuclear programs, the U.S. special envoy for Iran said on Wednesday ahead of U.N. meetings in New York next week.

"The new deal that we hope to be able to sign with Iran, and it will not be a personal agreement between two governments like the last one, we seek a treaty," envoy Brian Hook told an audience at the Hudson Institute think tank.

But Hook said Iranian leaders have not been interested in talking despite statements by President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo this year that the administration was willing to meet.

Trump announced in May that he was pulling the United States out of an Obama-era nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers.

The 2015 deal was an executive agreement that was not ratified by the U.S. Senate. A treaty would require approval by the Senate.

Opponents of the nuclear agreement have argued that Obama's failure to seek ratification of the deal allowed Trump to unilaterally scrap the deal in May.

"They did not have the votes in the U.S. Senate so they found the votes in the U.N. Security Council. That is insufficient in our system of government if you want to have something enduring and sustainable," Hook said, without elaborating on how the administration would negotiate.

Trump will chair a session on Iran during the U.N. General Assembly meetings in New York next week. In July, Trump said he was willing to meet Iran's leaders "anytime they want" prompting speculation that a meeting could occur at the U.N. meetings next week.

"The ayatollah, the president and foreign minister have all indicated they are not interested in talking," Hook said, referring to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

"We respect that though that does not change our plans. We have a sanctions regime that is underway, stronger measures are yet to come," he added.

Hook said the administration was expanding its diplomatic efforts to ensure that purchases of Iranian oil were "close to zero" by Nov. 4 when Washington reimposed oil sanctions against Tehran.

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